Configuring Eclipse workspace preferences

Use the Editors/Workspace preferences page to specify how the ClearTeam® Explorer for Eclipse interacts with Eclipse workspaces and embedded editors.

Before you begin

This dialog box is available only if you are using the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse.


  1. From the main menu bar, select Window > Preferences to open the Preferences dialog box.
  2. Select Team > IBM® ClearTeam Explorer > Workspace.
  3. Specify how you want the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse to behave when checked-in files are edited (opened) or saved by an Eclipse editor.
    Different preferences can be specified for interactive editors (which support prompting), non-interactive editors (which do not support prompting), and internal editors.
    • Select Automatically checkout if you want the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse to check out the file automatically.
    • Select Prompt to checkout if you want the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse to prompt you to check out each affected file. (This choice is available for interactive editors only.)
    • Select Do nothing to disable this feature.
  4. If you selected Automatically checkout or Prompt to checkout for any of the editors in the previous step, you must select one of three Hijack Options for Checkout. Note that the hijack options only apply to Web views.
    • Select Do not hijack to prevent the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse from hijacking the file when a checkout is not possible.
    • Select Hijack only if disconnected to allow hijacking only when you are disconnected from the CCRC WAN server.
    • Select Always Hijack to force a hijack even when a checkout is possible.
  5. Specify how you would like the ClearTeam Explorer to behave When new resources are added to the Eclipse workspace.
    Note: Resources with names that match patterns you have configured Eclipse to ignore are not considered during this operation.
    • Select Prompt to add to source control if you want the ClearTeam Explorer to prompt you to add each new resource to source control.
    • Select Automatically add to source control if you want the ClearTeam Explorer to add each new resource to source control automatically.
    • Select Do nothing to disable this feature.
  6. Specify how you want the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse to behave when you initiate a ClearCase® operation that could modify a file that has been edited in a Eclipse editor but has not yet been saved.
    (Eclipse editors in which files have been modified but not saved are referred to as "dirty.")
    • Select Prompt to save dirty ClearCase editors if you want to be prompted to save each editor in which a file under ClearCase control has been modified.
    • Select Automatically save dirty ClearCase editors to force Eclipse to save all editors in which files under ClearCase control have been modified.
    • Select Do nothing to disable this feature.
  7. Select Decorate workspace project names with viewtags to have the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse include the view tag of the ClearCase view that contains a project in the project's label decoration.
  8. Select Populate the Pending Changes view on startup to have the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse automatically update your Pending Changes view at startup time.
  9. Select For Logical Model integrations, display the logical model name for each physical file in the checkout, checkin and undo checkout dialogs to specify that operations performed on logical model elements, or files that represent logical model elements, use the logical model name and not the physical file name. This option only applies to the checkout, checkin and undo checkout dialog boxes. The logical name displays in the Artifact column. The default setting for this option is off.
  10. Save your preferences.
    • To restore all Editors/Workspace preferences to their default settings, click Restore Defaults
    • Click Apply to set the specified preferences and leave the dialog box open.
    • Click OK to set the specified preferences and close the dialog box.
    • To nullify any changes to the Editors/Workspace preferences you have made during the current session and close the dialog box, click Cancel.