Installing ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse

Before installing ClearTeam® Explorer for Eclipse, you must install GEF to your Eclipse environment if it is not already installed.

Before you begin

See Installing GEF to determine if GEF is already installed and, if it is not, to install GEF.

About this task

You must be logged in as a local Administrator with sufficient privileges for updating your installation of Eclipse. For UNIX/Linux users, root privileges are required.

Installing with Eclipse

  1. If Eclipse is not running, start Eclipse.
  2. On the Eclipse main menu, click Help > Install New Software.
  3. On the Available Software page, click Add.
  4. In the Add Repository dialog:
    1. In the Location field, specify a URL of the form http://computer-name/ccrc/update where computer-name is the name of the computer that has DevOps Code ClearCase® and the CCRC WAN server for ClearTeam Explorer installed on it.
      Note: DevOps Code ClearCase might be installed on this computer or on a remote computer.
    2. Click OK.
  5. The new update site appears in the Available Software page. Select ClearTeam Explorer and click Next.
  6. On the Install Details page, verify that ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse appears as an item to be installed and click Next.
  7. On the Review Licenses page, read the license agreement carefully. If you accept the terms, select I accept the terms in the license agreements and then click Finish. If you do not accept the terms, select Cancel to end the installation. If you accepted the terms, after this step, the Eclipse update manager installs the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse into the selected Eclipse installation directory and then prompts you to restart Eclipse.
  8. Click Restart Now to restart Eclipse. To validate the installation after Eclipse restarts, go to the Eclipse main menu, click Window > Open Perspective > Other and then select ClearCase Explorer to open the ClearCase perspective.