Uninstalling ClearCase

You can use the IBM Installation Manager to uninstall ClearCase®.

About this task

The steps below will explain how to uninstall DevOps Code ClearCase version using Installation Manager. Once that is done if there are files left behind, or if the uninstall using Installation Manager produced errors, you can use these steps to cleanup and resolve the errors.
  • Attempting to uninstall ClearCase without using Installation Manager will prevent you from being able to install ClearCase in the future on that machine.
  • It is necessary to run this step to ensure that the Installation Manager properly reflects the fact that the product is no longer installed. If you need assistance with uninstalling a product using Installation Manager, refer to the Installation Manager documentation.
  • If the Installation Manager does not completely remove ClearCase, then proceed with the following steps to manually remove ClearCase.


  1. Uninstall MVFS:
    1. Open a command prompt and change directory to ClearCase install directory\ClearCase\install\inf
    2. Execute: installmvfs.exe /q /u
  2. Uninstall Global Monitoring, if applicable:
    1. Download ClearCase-krc-agent.windows_*.zip from a ClearCase repository.
    2. Unzip the file to C:\gm_install_package.
    3. Change directory to C:\gm_install_package\windows\setup.exe.
    4. When the install shield graphical user interface opens, select to remove Global monitoring, and follow the prompts.
      Note: If any of the following products are installed, such as Rational® ClearQuest®, IBM Rational RequisitePro®, ClearCase Remote Client, Rational SoDA, Rational TestManager, Rational Robot or Rational ProjectConsole™, you must uninstall them using the Installation Manager before you can proceed to the rest of the cleanup.
  3. Uninstall Unified ClearCase Client Server:
    1. Determine if the profile was uninstalled from the WebSphere Application Server instance:
      • Open a terminal window, and change directory to the WAS Install directory. For example, WasInstallLocation.
        cd WasInstallLocation
      • Enter the bin directory:
        cd bin
      • Issue the following command to determine if the profile was uninstalled from WAS :
        manageprofiles.bat -listProfiles
        Note: If the profile named "ccrcprofile" is available, additional steps are needed for removing the profile folder from the file system, see the step "Uninstalling the profile from the WAS instance and deleting it from the file system".
    2. Determine if the profile was deleted from file system:
      • Open a terminal window, and change the directory to the path that was specified at install time for holding the profile. For example, WasProfileLocation.
        cd WasProfileLocation
      • List the contents inside the WasProfileLocation folder:
        dir WasProfileLocation
      Note: Example output if the profile that was not deleted from the folder:
      dir WasProfileLocation
      In that case, additional steps are needed for removing the profile folder from the file system. See the step: "Uninstalling the profile from the WAS instance and deleting it from the file system".
  4. Uninstalling the profile from the WAS instance and deleting it from the file system:
    1. Open a terminal window, change directory to the Websphere Application Server (WAS) install directory. For example, WasInstallLocation.
      cd WasInstallLocation
    2. Enter the bin directory: cd bin
    3. Issue the following command for removing the profile from the WAS instance:
      manageprofiles.bat -delete -profileName ccrcprofile
      This operation removes the profile only from the WAS Instance, and it does not affect the folder where the profile is stored in the file system.
  5. To delete the profile from the file system:
    1. Open a terminal window, change directory to the Websphere Application Server (WAS) install directory. For example, WasProfileLocation.
      cd WasProfileLocation
    2. Change to the parent directory: cd...
    3. Delete the profile directory: rmdir /S WasProfileLocation
  6. To uninstall the ccrc application from the existing profile:
    1. Open the Administrative Console for the profile used. Navigate to : Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
    2. Select the ccrc check box, and select the Uninstall button.
    3. Save the change to the Master Configuration.
    4. Restart the profile to ensure changes are applied.
  7. To delete files left behind at the install location:
    1. Open a terminal window, change directory to the path that was specified at install time for installing the product. For example, installLocation.
      cd installLocation
    2. Change to the parent directory: cd....
    3. Delete the product Install directory:
      rmdir /S installLocation
  8. Handling the Rational.preserve folder:

    During an uninstall, the product will preserve the configuration of the product in files in C:\ProgramData\IBM\Rational.preserve for Windows or in /tmp/Rational.preserve for UNIX/Linux. When you reinstall the ClearCase product on the same machine, the installation process discovers the Rational.preserve folder and presents the option to let you use the preserved settings from the previous installation for the new installation. Note that some settings might not be restored automatically when you use the restore preserved settings option. If that happens, you have to look in the Rational.preserve folder for a backup of any settings that you could use to restore them manually. For example, if you have customized the settings in files such as vob_scrubber_params or db.conf that are not restored, then you can go to the Rational.preserve to get those settings and restore them manually.

  9. After the steps are completed, reboot the machine.