Creating a volume (TAS 6.x)

About this task

Create a TAS volume that exports the directory in which the VOB or view storage are physically located. Clients use the volume name to represent the path to the physical VOB or view storage location.
Note: Test the TAS installation and configuration using ordinary files before using TAS to access VOBs and views.
To create a TAS volume for use by DevOps Code ClearCase®:
  1. Click TAS System in the menu frame; then click Volumes in the TAS System Configuration and Administration pane.
  2. Type a name (for example, ccstore) in the field.

    Ensure that the volume name is of a form that is acceptable for all realms that will access it. For example, some realms do not accept names longer than 12 characters.

    Note: The field contains a symbolic name for the volume, not the pathname to the volume storage. However, it is a good idea to specify TAS volume names that correlate to the VOB and view storage paths. (For example, a TAS volume named ccstore may be associated with /ccstore on the computer running Linux® or the UNIX® system.) If these names do not correlate, examine the volume properties to determine which pathnames are associated with which volumes.
  3. Click Create; a New Volume Definition pane is displayed. Make these changes to support DevOps Code ClearCase:
    • Pathname — Type the pathname to the virtual root of the storage area. This pathname is the root of the VOB or view storage areas for the VOB or view server. In other words, all VOB or view storage areas must be located below this pathname (but they need not be immediate subdirectories of this pathname).

      For example, if you type /ccstore, valid VOB and view storage names for this volume are /ccstore/vobstore, /ccstore/home/vobstore, and /ccstore/home/project/viewstore.

    • Volume umask. Type 002.
    • Filename Case. Select preserve.
    • Support opportunistic locks. Clear the check box.

    Click Submit at the bottom of the form; then click OK in the confirmation pane.