Configuring the file service (TAS 6.x)

About this task

To configure the TAS file service to support DevOps Code ClearCase®, use the following procedure.


  1. Access the file service.
    1. Click CIFS (NB) Realm in the menu frame.
    2. Click Manage CIFS File Services; a list of the file services is displayed.
    3. Click the file service that corresponds to your TAS server; then click Administer. A menu of file service operations is displayed.
  2. Click Configuration.
    An update file service form is displayed. Make these changes:
    1. Volume references. Select the TAS volumes this file service references and exports.
    2. Browse master. Select off.
    3. Umask. Type 002.
    4. Freespace report method. Select root.
    5. Windows 95 logon server. Clear this check box.
    6. Windows NT logon server. Clear this check box.
    Click Submit at the bottom of the form; then click OK in the confirmation pane to return to the menu of file service operations.
  3. Click Authentication Options.

    The Authentication Options form is displayed. Under User-mode authentication options, click Local or Remote.

    Note: You cannot use Share mode authentication if the TAS volumes are to include DevOps Code ClearCase storage.

    For information about the authentication mode for your site, see your system administrator.

  4. Configure authentication.
    • If you select Remote authentication:
      1. Click Proxies and type the name of the proxy servers in this field, one per line. You may need to specify in the CIFS realm the IP addresses of the WINS servers for the network on which the authentication proxy server resides. (See Enabling and configuring the CIFS realm (TAS 6.x).)
      2. Use Username map — Select this check box to ensure that the file service references the clearcase_albd username map specified in Mapping the DevOps Code ClearCase server process user (TAS 6.x).
    • If you select Local authentication:
      1. Use Secure Passwords . Select this check box.
        Note: If you select Local authentication, you must enter every user who will access TAS file services in a local password encryption database on the server that supports those file services. If your CIFS realm contains multiple servers supporting TAS file services, you must configure a local password encryption database on each server.
      2. Use Username map. Select this check box to ensure that the file service references the clearcase_albd username map specified in Mapping the DevOps Code ClearCase server process user (TAS 6.x).
    Click Submit at the bottom of the authentication options form. Then click OK in the confirmation pane to return to the menu of file-service operations.