Specifying a job’s schedule

A job can run under two kinds of schedules: sequential, which runs the job immediately after another job finishes, or periodic, which runs the job on specified days at specified times.

About this task

To specify a sequential job, you designate a scheduled job after which the current job is to run. To specify a periodic job, you designate the times when the job is to run. A periodic job can run at four kinds of intervals:
  • Run once. Specify the date and time at which the job runs. A job runs only one time when you specify identical start and end dates. You can also use the Scheduled Jobs node on the DevOps Code ClearCase® Administration Console to force immediate execution of any scheduled job.
  • Run daily or every n days. Specify the frequency of the job and the time of day the job starts.
  • Run weekly or every n weeks. Specify the frequency of the job, the days of the week it runs, and the time of day the job starts.
  • Run monthly or every n months. Specify the frequency of the job, the day of the month it runs, and the time of day the job starts.

For daily, weekly, and monthly schedules, you can also specify starting and ending dates for the job, and you can set the job to repeat at intervals during the day.


To specify the schedule for a job, you can use the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console or the cleartool schedule command.
  • To use the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console, navigate to the Scheduled Jobs node for the host on which the job will run, and then click Action > New > Job. This command opens a window in which you supply the information needed to define a new job. After you specify the task, click the Schedule page to specify the schedule. To specify the schedule for an existing job, select a job and click Action > Properties. In the Properties window, click the Schedule page to specify the schedule.
  • To use the cleartool schedule command, type this command:

    cleartool schedule –edit –schedule

    This command opens in a text editor a file that contains the definitions for all currently scheduled jobs. To specify the schedule for a new or existing job, edit the job’s Schedule property using the job-definition syntax documented on the schedule reference page.