Specifying job notifications

The scheduler can send e-mail notifications to recipients you specify. You can also determine particular events that trigger notifications, such as the start of a job or the end of a job that fails.

About this task

Note: Job notifications require the scheduler to contact an SMTP mail server. On Windows®, you must specify the name of this server on the Options page of the ClearCase® program in Control Panel on each host where the scheduler runs. On Linux® and the UNIX® system, the scheduler uses the/bin/mail program to send notifications.


To specify notification information for a job, you can use the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console or the cleartool schedule command.
  • To use the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console, navigate to the Scheduled Jobs node for the host on which you want to specify a job’s notification information. To specify the notification information for a new job, click Action > New > Job. In the window, supply the information needed to define a new job. After you specify the task, click the Settings page to specify notification events and recipients. To specify the notification information for an existing job, select a job in the Details pane and click Action > Properties. In the Properties window, click the Settings page to specify notification events and recipients.
  • To use the cleartool schedule command, type this command:

    cleartool schedule –edit –schedule

    This command opens in a text editor a file that contains definitions for all currently scheduled jobs. To specify the notification information for a new or existing job, edit the job’s NotifyInfo property, using the job-definition syntax documented on the schedule reference page.