Viewing job properties

Scheduled job properties include schedule information and execution results.

About this task


To view properties of a scheduled job, you can use the DevOps Code ClearCase® Administration Console or the cleartool schedule command.
  • To use the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console, navigate to the Scheduled Jobs node for the host on which you want to view job properties. Select a job in the Details pane and click Action > Properties. In the window, you can view properties of the job. To view messages and information such as time and status from the last execution of the job, select the job in the Details pane and click Action > Show Completion Details.
  • To use the cleartool schedule command, type this command:

    cleartool schedule –get –schedule

    To view the definition of a particular job, use this command:

    cleartool schedule –get –job job-id-or-name

    The job name is case-sensitive and must be enclosed in quotation marks if the name contains spaces. For example:

    cleartool schedule –get –job "Weekly Log Scrubbing"
       Job.Id: 7
       Job.Name: "Weekly Log Scrubbing"

    To view messages and information such as time and status from the last execution of the job, use this command:

    cleartool schedule –status job-id-or-name

    These commands display properties of jobs by using the job-definition syntax documented on the schedule reference page.