Network-attached storage and cross-platform file access tools

IBM® supports several network-attached storage (NAS) devices that can be configured to host VOB or view storage and provide native file system access to computers running any supported operating system, without the need to install any other software on DevOps Code ClearCase® client or server hosts.

For more information, see DevOps Code ClearCase and network-attached storage devices.

In addition to these NAS devices, IBM supports two categories of vendor software cross-platform file-access tools for use with DevOps Code ClearCase:
  • SMB servers for platforms running Linux or the UNIX system, which provide Windows® clients with native SMB/CIFS access to file systems on hosts running Linux or the UNIX system.
  • NFS client programs for Windows, which enable Windows clients to use the NFS protocol to access the file systems of computers running Linux or the UNIX system.

Any of these tools can be used to enable a dynamic view on a Windows computer to access a VOB hosted on a computer running Linux or the UNIX system and to enable a Windows computer to use shared dynamic views hosted on computers running Linux or the UNIX system.

For more information about supported cross-platform file system access tools, see Configuring cross-platform file-system access.