Common user and group names

The identity with which a user logs on to the operating system of a DevOps Code ClearCase® host establishes the credentials that determine the users's access rights to artifacts in VOBs and views.

Because access rights are associated with users and groups by name, each user who accesses a VOB or dynamic view from any DevOps Code ClearCase host must have the same user name on every DevOps Code ClearCase host. In addition, all groups whose members access VOBs and views must have the same names on all supported operating systems, and each user’s primary group assignment must be the same in all environments. VOB and view access control describes how credentials are used when determining access rights in VOBs and views.

When a user's credentials are evaluated, group membership is considered only when the user requests access to file-system objects such as directory and file elements. For access to VOB metadata such as labels and branches, only the owner's name is important. Group membership is not considered.

How user and group names are compared

The user and group name comparisons made by DevOps Code ClearCase are not case sensitive on Windows® and case-sensitive on Linux and on the UNIX system. Passwords are not considered.

Each type of name (user or group) is compared with others in its namespace, but the relationship of the user and group names is not considered during the comparison.
Note: Operating systems place different restrictions on the length of user and group names and on the characters allowed in them. The user and group names in your DevOps Code ClearCase community must be acceptable in both environments.