Configuring text modes for views

The operating systems that DevOps Code ClearCase® supports observe different conventions for writing line terminations in text files. Utilities and applications on Linux and the UNIX system normally terminate lines with a single <LF> (line feed, or new line) character; Windows® utilities and applications terminate lines with a two-character <CR><LF> (carriage return, line feed) character sequence. Some Windows applications can read and display files in either format, some Windows applications always write files using <CR><LF> format, and some Windows applications can be configured to determine which format to use.

These different conventions can create line-termination problems in text files that are edited on computers running different supported operating systems. For example, a file that contains


Would look like this if it were created by a Windows editor such as Notepad and read by a Linux or the UNIX system-based editor such as vi:


The text editor on the Linux or the UNIX system renders the <CR> character as ^M. The same file would look like this if it were created by the system editor on Linux or the UNIX system and read by the Windows editor:


To better support parallel development in mixed environments, a text mode setting is provided for views that controls how line terminators are handled when text files are presented to applications.