Using vcmake.mak to prevent reuse mismatches

Use vcmake.mak to prevent reuse mismatches.

The makefile fragment vcmake.mak defines files with a .pdb or .idb extension as incremental repositories. Specifying these siblings, which might contain incomplete information, prevents the DevOps Code ClearCase® build tool from winking in their associated primary target.

To use the information in vcmake.mak, find your particular environment in the following table, and follow the instructions.

Table 1. Using vcmake.mak
Environment Instructions
omake and the SCC integration with Visual C++ No action. vcmake.mak is included by omake.
omake without Visual C++ Do one of the following:
  • On the omake command line, add @ccase-home-dir\bin\vcmake.opts or specify -f ccase-home-dir\bin\vcmake.mak
  • Set the OMAKEOPTS EV to @ccase-home-dir\bin\vcmake.opts
Note: Substitute your ClearCase installation directory for ccase-home-dir.
omake and Visual C++ without the SCC integration
clearmake Insert the following lines in your makefile:
.NO_WINK_IN : %.trg %.TRG

If you do not use the appropriate procedure, DOs built in one environment cannot be shared with other environments, and you see error message like this one:

Cannot reuse ".\..\bin.pcu\jdsample.obj" - mismatch between config 
record flag and makefile directive for 