ClearCase build concepts

DevOps Code ClearCase® supports makefile based building of software systems and provides a software build environment closely resembling that of the make program. make was developed for UNIX systems and has been ported to other operating systems. You can use files controlled by ClearCase to build software, and use native make programs, third-party build utilities, own build programs of your company, or the ClearCase build tools clearmake, omake, and clearaudit.

The ClearCase build tools, clearmake and omake, provide compatibility with other make variants, along with powerful enhancements:

  • Build auditing, with automatic detection of source dependencies, including header file dependencies.
  • Automatic creation of permanent bill-of-materials documentation of the build process and its results.
  • Sophisticated build-avoidance algorithms to guarantee correct results when building in a parallel development environment.
  • Sharing of binaries among views, saving both time and disk storage.
  • Parallel building, applying the resources of multiple processors to builds of large software systems, is available within clearmake.

The clearaudit build tool provides build auditing and creation of bill-of-materials documentation.

clearmake and omake are intended for use in dynamic views. You can use them in a snapshot view, but the features that distinguish them from ordinary make programs (build avoidance, build auditing, derived object sharing, and so on) are not enabled in a snapshot view or an automatic view.

clearaudit requires a dynamic view context to be executed. clearaudit cannot be executed in a snapshot view, a web view, or an automatic view.

Both clearmake and omake incorporate the major ClearCase build-related features. The strength of omake lies primarily in its support for users who require compatibility with other Windows-based build programs. For details specific to omake, see the OMAKE Guide. In all other build-related documentation, the primary emphasis is on clearmake behavior.