Using the winkin command

If you choose a method that disables automatic winkin, you might still gain the space and performance benefits of DOs and CRs by winking in DOs manually.

The cleartool winkin command can wink in a specified DO or, with the -recurse parameter, wink in a DO and its sub-DOs. If your team runs nightly builds, an entire project can be winked in (even if PDBs and IDBs were used.) Issue a cleartool winkin -recurse do-pname command in the development view. You can use view-extended naming to select the do-pname. The target and all targets used to build it are winked in to the development view.

Because the winkin -recurse command winks in a hierarchy of DOs without regard to the makefile or config spec selections in the current view, run clearmake or omake after completing the manual winkin to ensure that all DOs are up to date. If the development view selects the same versions of files that were referenced during the nightly build, this build does not require anything to be rebuilt. If development has continued since the nightly build on a subset of the files, only the necessary objects need to be recompiled or relinked.

For more information, see the winkin reference page.