
omake can read Visual C++ makefiles, but only if NMAKE emulation mode is specified with the -EN parameter.

In addition, if you are working outside the DevOps Code ClearCase® MVFS (that is, neither on drive M nor on a drive in a ClearCase view), or if you disable configuration management (CM) features with the -L option, omake behaves like Visual C++ NMAKE, and no special options are needed. However, if you want to use omake within the MVFS (that is, in ClearCase VOBs) to produce DOs, you will find it most convenient to use the SCC integration with Visual C++, which maximizes the cooperation between ClearCase and Visual C++. For information about using omake with Visual C++, see the Help for the omake and Visual C++ integration.

If you are not using the SCC integration, omake does not have access to the internal environment of the Visual C++ development environment. Therefore, you must set the INCLUDE, LIB, and PATH environment variables before you run Visual C++ rather than rely on the directory lists set in the IDE options. Also, because omake cannot access the Visual C++ build rules, it must get build script information from either the builtins.nm file or the makefile.

If you are using Visual C++ 5.0 or 6.0, you must export your makefile before running omake. You can either click Tools > Options > Build and set the option Export makefile when saving project file, or export your makefile after making changes to the project settings.

To export your makefile:

  1. Check out the file project-name.mak (if it is an element).
  2. Click Project > Export Makefile.
  3. If you are prompted to select which configurations to export, select any configurations that build with omake.

    Visual C++ creates project-name.mak.