Installing Tiny Editors for AIX, Linux, and UNIX

Optionally install the AIX, Linux, or UNIX version of Tiny Editors: TinyMCE and for HCL Connections to use instead of its default rich text editor.

Before you begin

If upgrading, ensure that the Common.ear application has been shut down.


  1. Make note of the location of the HCL Connections Customizations directory.
    The Tiny Editors for HCL Connections installer needs to be provided with the location of your HCL Connections Customization path. The value for this is provided by the CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATION_PATH variable within the WebSphere Application Server. For more information on HCL Connections customizations and the CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATION_PATH see the topic, Customizing the user interface.
    Note: The Tiny Editors for IBM Connections installer only requires the root customizations directory as provided by this variable.
  2. Make note of the location of the HCL Connections Web Resources Provisioning directory.
    The Tiny Editors for HCL Connections installer needs to be provided with the path to your Web Resources Provisioning directory, for example:
    This folder allows extensions for Connections to be installed. For information on locating the HCL Connections Web Resources Provisioning directory, see the topic, Extending JavaScript in HCL Connections.
  3. Run the Install script.
    The installation script,, is located in the included in the e-image that you downloaded from Passport Advantage. This script can be executed from any AIX, UNIX, OS X or LINUX environment that has SSH access to the HCL Connections server.
    Note: We strongly recommend setting up SSH key access to this server, and using a local SSH agent to avoid password prompts when logging in via SSH. The script makes numerous connections and each one will prompt for a password if SSH keys are not used.
    To install Tiny Editors for HCL Connections, execute the script as follows:
    This script requires the following parameters:
    • USER The user name to use for SSH access to the HCL Connections server. This user must have write access to both the Customizations directory and the Web Resources Provisioning directory.
    • HOSTNAME The host name for the HCL Connections server. If running the script on the same machine that the integration is to be installed on, localhost should be used.
    • WEBRESOURCES_DIR The location of the Web Resources Provisioning directory.
    Note: This script will automatically perform a backup of any existing configuration in the CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATION_PATH/javascript/ephox/textbox/connections directory. The backup will be contained in a sub-directory of textbox. This ensures previously customized configuration is not overwritten by accident. If you do not want a backup to be created, run the install script with the optional --no-backup parameter, for example: --no-backup USER@HOSTNAME CUSTOMIZATIONS_DIR WEBRESOURCES_DIR
    Any existing copy of Tiny Editors for HCL Connections in the Web Resources Provisioning directory will not be backed up regardless of whether --no-backup is used.
  4. Update the HCL Connections Cache.
    After Tiny Editors for HCL Connections has been deployed, the IBM Connections server must be notified of the changes.
    1. The cache must be cleared to ensure users download the new files from the server. To update the HCL Connections server cache, perform the steps described in the topic, Post-customization step.
    2. Restart the Common.ear Common enterprise application.
  5. Verify that Tiny Editors for HCL Connections has installed correctly by navigating to the following URL in any web browser: http://your server here/connections/resources/web/ephox.editors.connections/verify.html. If the installation has been successful, a confirmation message will be displayed alongside installed version numbers.
  6. Configure certificate validation to ensure that this server can connect to other servers in your HCL Connections deployment.
    1. Run the following commands to add both root and intermediate certificates to the default Java trust store of the WebSphere Java SDK (which is different from the WebSphere Cell Default Truststore where you might have added certificates already).
      Attention: Make this change on every WebSphere Application Server node.
      1. cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/lib/security
        ../../bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias alias_for_root_cert -file path/root_cert_file_name -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt
        ../../bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias alias_for_intermediate_cert -file path/intermediate_cert_file_name -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt
    2. After you have updated all nodes, restart the cluster.
  7. Configure the use of an HTTP proxy for outgoing HTTP/HTTPS requests made by the editor's server-side components.

    Create a configuration file named application.conf and add a proxy element that defines the proxy attributes listed in Table 1.

    Table 1. Proxy settings
    Attribute Description
    http.proxyHost Required. A string defining the host name of the proxy for HTTP (unsecured) connections.
    http.proxyPort Required. An integer defining the port number of the proxy for HTTP (unsecured) connections.
    http.nonProxyHosts Optional. A list of strings separated by vertical lines ("|") listing hosts and domains to be excluded from proxying, for both plain HTTP and HTTPS connections. The strings can contain asterisks ("*") as wild cards. Defaults to "localhost|127.*|[::1]" if not set.
    https.proxyHost Optional. A string defining the host name of the proxy for HTTPS connections.
    https.proxyPort Optional. An integer defining the port number of the proxy for HTTPS connections.
    http.proxyUser Optional. User name for authenticating to both the HTTP and HTTPS proxy.
    http.proxyPassword Optional. Password for authenticating to both the HTTP and HTTPS proxy.

    The following example shows typical proxy settings:

    ephox {
        proxy {
            http.proxyHost = someproxy.internal.corp
            http.proxyPort = 8080
            https.proxyHost = someproxy.internal.corp
            https.proxyPort = 8080
            http.nonProxyHosts = localhost|*.internal.corp