Customizing the Tiny editor's fonts

Customize the Tiny editor's fonts for use in HCL Connections.

About this task

You can specify the list of fonts to display in the editor's menu. By default, the fonts list is empty in the config.js file:
fonts: [
When an empty list is used, then the editor defaults to the following list of fonts:

fonts: [
  'Comic Sans MS',
  'Times New Roman',
  'Trebuchet MS',
You can further define the fonts by specifying text values that will display in the fonts list. In the following snippet, the Comic Sans MS font is defined as a title that displays with additional text, while the Arial font is defined simply as an object: Customize the Fonts menu by listing only the fonts you want to include in the fonts array, as shown in the following example:
fonts: [
value: '"Comic Sans MS"',
text: 'sans-serif'
value: 'Tahoma' // equivalent to providing just a string
'Arial', // you can use a mixture of objects and strings
value: 'Helvetica',
text: 'A nicer font'


Customize the fonts list in the editor by modifying the config.js file as explained in Customizing the Tiny Editors.