Verifying the Metrics functions on the stand-alone Elasticsearch instance

Verify that the Metrics feature based on the stand-alone Elasticsearch instance works properly with the HCL Connections deployment.


  1. Log in to the Metrics UI as a user in the metrics-report-run role that was set as explained in Configuring access to global Elasticsearch Metrics, using the following address: https://your_Connections_server_host_name/metrics/orgapp#/
  2. View a global report and verify that the data displays as "0" and that the Metrics UI looks like the following image.

    Verify that the Metrics UI displays properly

    The data on the UI might show as "0", or other numbers. The key is to verify the UI can show the data correctly, no matter what it is.

What to do next

When you are ready to back up your metrics data, see Backing up and restoring data for Elasticsearch-based components.