Sizing Kubernetes for a single-node environment

This topic offers best practices for sizing Kubernetes for the default installation of Component Pack for HCL Connections in a single-node environment.

If your decision is to go with a single-node environment (so called all-in-one) and default installation of the Component Pack (installing all Component Pack offerings on a single machine running Kubernetes master and enabled to schedule non-system pods as well as a worker), we advise:
  • At least 16 CPUs
  • At least 64G of RAM
  • At least 50G of disk space used for persistent volumes for Elasticsearch, Customizer, MongoDB, Zookeeper, and Solr indexes

If you are using AWS, we advise using an m4.4xlarge type of instance.

HCL's benchmarking proved that this type of installation can support up to 200 users. However, this type of installation is not recommended for production environments.