Embedding HCL Connections in an IFrame

You can customize Connections to be embedded in an IFrame.

Before you begin

HCL Connections includes a framekiller script in the header to prevent inclusion of the application into an IFrame hosted in another domain. The script resets the location of the top-level window to the URL of the embedded HCL Connections application. The script is included by using a JSP tag.


Complete the following steps to embed Connections in an IFrame.
  1. Obtain a copy of header.jsp and login.jsp from any of the Connections enterprise applications.
  2. Locate the following JSP tag and remove it or comment it out. For more information, see the JavaServer Pages tag syntax.


The following code is to avoid application vulnerable to UI redressing attacks.    
It is not allowed to put the application into frame by default. Remove it if customer needs.
      --%<lc-ui:framekiller /<%--