URLs for Cognos Business Intelligence components

While troubleshooting the Metrics application and HCL Cognos® Business Intelligence components, you might need to visit components URLs to verify the component is running.

Server component URLs

Table 1 provides the URLs for each server component deployed with Cognos Business Intelligence.

Table 1. URLs that you can use for accessing Cognos Business Intelligence components

Column 1 describes a task you might need to complete and column 2 provides the appropriate URL.

Task URL

Verify that the Cognos Content Manager is running.

http://Cognos WAS server host name:port/Cognos_context_root/servlet
For example:

Verify that the Cognos BI Server contains HCL Connections customized packages for Cognos.

Before federating the Cognos node to the Deployment Manager, use the following URL:
For example:
After federating the Cognos node to the Deployment Manager, use the following URL:
For example:
Note: Images and icons might not display properly but this can safely be ignored.

Log in to the Integrated Solutions Console on the Deployment Manager that supports Connections and Cognos Business Intelligence. Use this URL to manage nodes in the HCL Connections cell.

For example: