Managing and debugging webhooks

You can use a query to see if your event was triggered.

Note: Use of the REST API server is not supported in an on premises environment, such as on Windows and Linux. To use the HCL Compass REST API server in a supported environment, deploy the HCL Compass REST API server to a Kubernetes environment. For more information, see Getting Started with HCL Compass on HCL SoFy.
Create a query to manage and debug your webhooks by selecting New Query and selecting the WebhookData Record type. Add fields to the query to check on the status of the payload that you expect to be delivered to the webhook.

Add fields to the Query Presentation box by using the lower set of arrows. If you save the query into the Personal Queries folder and then click Run, you will see one payload entry in the list that is waiting to be sent to the webhook server. The payload was created when we used a Submit action. The other three columns will be blank because the REST API server has not yet picked up the payload.

To see if webhooks are running, perform the following steps:
  1. Browse to the HCL Compass installation directory.
  2. Go inside the compass-rest-server-distribution.
  3. In the bin folder, open an administrator command prompt.
  4. Run the start.bat file to start the REST API server.
As the command runs, some of the messages that you may see include:
Running the initial webhook configuration audit
Immediately upon startup, HCL Compass checks for any webhook configurations so that it can keep track of them and poll them for payloads to deliver.
Audit webhook configurations STARTED
The check for webhook configurations has started.
Test Webhook: WebhookConfig is ENABLED
A test webhook has been found.
Audit webhook configurations ENDED
HCL Compass is done checking for webhook configurations.

In the web client, you can refresh the query and see a list of results. HCL Compass successfully delivered the payload to the webhook and deleted the payload.

The WebhookData query can also be used to view information about unsuccessful webhooks. If the delivery of the payload fails, the listing is updated with information, including Response Text, Response Code, and Retry Counter. The payload will attempt to deliver 10 times.

Webhooks configurations can also be modified. View a list of webhook configurations by creating a query on the WebhookConfig record type. Select New Query and then select the WebhookConfig record type.

Add fields the query in the Query Presentation box. Save and then run the query.