Executing webhooks

Webhooks are automatically executed by HCL Compass. JSON is sent to the URL of the webhook configuration when an event happens that matches a state or action for the configuration.

Note: Use of the REST API server is not supported in an on premises environment, such as on Windows and Linux. To use the HCL Compass REST API server in a supported environment, deploy the HCL Compass REST API server to a Kubernetes environment. For more information, see Getting Started with HCL Compass on HCL SoFy.
In the following sample webhook payload, the webUrl is the URL of the relevant configuration. The content object is the entire contents of the record that was actioned or had its state changed to match the configuration. Each field indicates whether the field is truncated. If the truncated value is true, there is an additional key/value pair that provides the REST URL to access the entire contents of the relevant field. The field is truncated if it is greater than or equal to 5,000 characters.
    "webUrl": "https://yoursitename.com/post",
    "content": {
        "esig_login": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "Owner": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "lead"
        "Keywords": {
            "url": "https://localhost:8190/ccmweb/rest/repos/5.0.0/databases/SAMPL/records/Defect/SAMPL00000084/fields/Description"
            "truncated": "true",
            "value": "<Full text will appear here. The value is truncated when it is equal to or less than 5,000 characters.>"
        "Description": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "ratl_mastership": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "<local>"
        "is_duplicate": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "0"
        "Attachments": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "Submitter": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "admin"
        "Headline": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "Example Defect"
        "esig_is_current": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "False"
        "esig_log": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "id": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "SAMPL00000074"
        "Note_Entry": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "is_active": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "1"
        "lock_version": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "0"
        "Priority": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "3-Normal Queue"
        "esig_password": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "unduplicate_state": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "Severity": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "4-Minor"
        "history": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "33555052\t2020-11-10 14:45:47\tadmin\tSubmit\tno_value\tSubmitted"
        "version": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "1"
        "record_type": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "Defect"
        "Notes_Log": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "esig_signed_for_delete": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "0"
        "customer_severity": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "Submit_Date": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "2020-11-10 14:42:09"
        "Project": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "Classics"
        "locked_by": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "State": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "Submitted"
        "dbid": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "33554506"
        "old_id": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "Symptoms": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "Resolution_Statetype": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": "Not_Resolved"
        "Resolution": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""
        "customer": {
            "truncated": "false",
            "value": ""

Users with the proper permissions can query on the WebhookData record type and view the status code, response message, retry counter, and other information related to pending payload deliveries. If the remote system does not catch the webhook, HCL Compass automatically retries to deliver the payload up to 10 times. For more information about queries on webhooks, see Managing and debugging webhooks.