Deploying HCL Compass on SoFy Sandbox

Learn how to deploy HCL Compass on SoFy Sandbox and launch the HCL Compass UI.

Before you begin

In order to use HCL Compass on HCL SoFy, you must have the following:
  • Access to HCL SoFy. If you don't have access to HCL SoFy, contact your HCL sales representative for the login details required to access HCL SoFy, or you may request access to HCL SoFy.

About this task

This quick start guide shows you how to use HCL SoFy to create an HCL Compass solution, use the SoFy sandbox to preview your solution, and download the solution package.


  1. Explore the HCL Compass catalog.
    1. Login to HCL SoFy.
    2. Select DISCOVER NOW or select Catalog on the header menu.
    3. Find the HCL Compass catalog from the Catalog page.
    4. Click on the HCL Compass catalog to view the HCL Compass catalog detail page. The catalog detail page includes important information and documentation for using the HCL Compass product.
  2. Deploy the HCL Compass Helm Chart into the SoFy Sandbox.
    1. Select the HCL Compass catalog and click LAUNCH IT!
    2. You are taken to the Catalog page where you can view the Sandbox information on the right side of the page. The Sandbox status shows IN PROGRESS.
    3. After the Sandbox status changes to DEPLOYED, you can view the Sandbox in the Solution Console. Click VIEW SOFY CONSOLE. The default login for the SoFy Console is:
      username: sol-admin
      password: each sandbox will generate its own unique password during installation
  3. Release HCL Compass Helm Chart to the cloud.
    1. You can download the HCL Compass Helm Chart solution package .tgz file that you created in Step 2. Click on the drop down icon at the top left corner of the Catalog detail page.
    2. Install the solution in the Supported Kubernetes Environment.