Dev Lead

The Developer (Dev) Lead role can be filled by a development, testing, or other type of team lead.

The Dev Lead role is responsible for leading the development team, reviewing tasks and assigning development activities.

In an ALM work process, the Dev Lead role:
  • Reviews Tasks
  • Determines whether to address the Request or close the Task
  • Creates Activities for Developer (or Tester or other roles such as Doc Assessor) role users.
  • Reviews status of Activities

When a Dev Lead user chooses the CreateActivities utility action on a Task, a set of ALMActivity records is created according the project's work configuration policies.

Possible approved actions for the Dev Lead role include the following actions:
  • ALMRequest actions: Accept, CreateTask, Delete, DuplicateComplete, Import, MarkAsDuplicate, Modify, Open, QuestionOrComment, ReOpen, Reject_Request, Reject_Solution, Withdraw, WorksAsDesigned
  • ALMTask actions: Activate, Complete, CreateActivity, Delete, Import, Modify, Open, QuestionOrComment, ReOpen
  • ALMActivity actions: Activate, Complete, Import, Modify, Open, QuestionOrComment, ReOpen, ReadyToWaiting, Submit, WorkOn
  • ALMBaseline actions: Delete, Import, Modify, Submit
  • BTBuild actions: Complete, Delete, Failure, Import, Modify, ReSubmit, Retire, Submit