
The Developer role can be filled by a developer, tester, or information developer.

The Developer role is responsible for developing a part of the system, including designing it to fit into the architecture, possibly prototyping the user-interface, and then implementing, unit testing, and integrating the components that are part of the solution.

The Developer role works on Activity records assigned to them and complete work on the Activities. Developer, Test, and Doc Assess roles all work on related Activities to complete a Task. The common types of an ALM Activity are:
  • Developer: Developers work on and resolves issues. A Developer Activity contains a ChangeSet that includes the files being worked on, and an explanation of the Request resolution for when the Activity is completed.
  • Test: Testers work on test Activities by testing and qualifying developer activities. Each test Activity contains all testing information and results.
  • Doc Assess: Information developers work on a Doc Assess Activity by assessing documentation needs associated with a Developer Activity. A Doc Assess Activity contains an indication of whether documentation is needed as part of completing a Task.
Comments, questions, and responses can be added to any type of Activity.

The Opened state is the starting point for a Developer Activity. After reviewing an Activity, the developer can Complete it if the current behavior works as designed, is not going to be fixed, or for other appropriate reasons. The developer leaves the Activity in the Opened state if it cannot be quickly resolved and will not be worked on immediately, or activates the Activity to work on it. After completing work on the Activity, the Activity can be moved to the Completed state.

Possible approved actions for the Developer role include the following actions:
  • ALMActivity actions: Activate, Complete, Delete, Import, Modify, Open, QuestionOrComment, ReOpen, ReadyToWaiting, Submit, WorkOn
  • ALMBaseline actions: Modify, Submit
  • BTBuild record actions: Complete, Delete, Failure, Modify, ReSubmit, Retire, Submit