Completing post-migration tasks for IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 8

After you migrate your Feature Pack 8 development database and application to HCL Commerce Version 9, complete the following post-migration steps.


  1. In HCL Commerce Version 9.1, data cache properties are defined in the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console. In Feature Pack 8, the data cache properties were defined in the file. If your Feature Pack 8 store was configured to use data cache, there is no need to migrate your data cache configuration. Delete the from your migrated Stores.war. For more information about data caches, see Configuring HCL Commerce data cache.
  2. If you customized any searchable attributes in Feature Pack 8 and plan to use them in HCL Commerce Version 9.1, you must update KEYS table for the SRCHATTR table.
    1. Connect to your database.
    2. Run the following SQL command:
      update keys set counter = case when (select max(srchattr_id) from srchattr) > 
      counter then (select max(srchattr_id) from srchattr) else counter end where tablename = 'srchattr';
  3. Update your cachespec.xml file. The cachespec.xmlis not automatically migrated. If your Feature Pack 8 environment was configured to use the cachespec.xml file, you must reapply your configurations to the HCL Commerce Version 9.1 cachespec.xml file.
    1. Open the cachespec.xml file in a text editor. The file can be found in the WCDE_installdir/workspace/Stores/WebContent/WEB-INF directory.
    2. Review the cachespec.xml file. Ensure that the store-cookies property is defined for all cache entries, and it is set to false. It is also recommended that the save-attributes property is set to false for all cache entries.
    3. Save and close the file.
  4. If you are using the product variant feature in HCL Commerce Version 9.1, you must load additional data into the DISPENTREL table.
    For more information on enabling this feature on your storefront, see Displaying product variants in the storefront.
  5. Restart the HCL Commerce test server.

What to do next

  1. After migration, your HCL Commerce test server is a default HCL Commerce Version 9.1 test server. Reapply any of the following customizations:
    • Global security settings
    • Adding or changing the virtual host
    • Changing the heap size
    • JDBC Connection Pool Settings