Preparing to migrate your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 8 staging database

Prepare your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 8 staging database for migration by taking a backup of the database, then restoring the database to your HCL Commerce Version 9 staging server.

Before you begin

  1. By using the WCB tool, build your migrated custom assets into input packages.
  2. Deploy your customizations to your HCL Commerce application.


  1. Ensure that the data in your KEYS table is valid in your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 8 database. In particular, ensure that any rows you added for custom tables have valid data.
  2. For versions of HCL Commerce prior to, drop any access control policy (ACP) triggers that are present in the database. ACP triggers that are present in the database can result in failures in any stagingprop job that is run after the database migration. You can use the provided SQL scripts to drop these triggers:
  3. Back up your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 8 staging database:
  4. Restore the backup of your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 8 staging database to your HCL Commerce Version 9 staging database server.
  5. DB2Update the restored database with the following configuration:
    • The sum of the values for the logprimary and logsecond parameters must be less than 256.
    • Record your original database parameter values to restore them once the migration is complete.
    DB2 parameter Value
    locklist AUTOMATIC
    indexrec RESTART
    logfilsiz 8192*
    logprimary 150
    logsecond 100
    pckcachesz AUTOMATIC
    catalogcache_sz 4096
    locktimeout 45
    * If you encounter the following error, indicating that the transaction log for the database is full, work with a database administrator to ensure that your log file size can be expanded to accommodate a larger log.
    SQLCODE=-964, SQLSTATE=57011
    • To see database configurations:
      db2 get db cfg for database_name
      For example:
      db2 get db cfg for mall
    • To update database configurations:
      db2 update db cfg for database_name using parameter_name parameter_value
      For example:
      db2 update db cfg for mall using locklist automatic logprimary 150 logsecond 100 pckcachesz automatic