HCL Commerce Enterprise


Closes the RFQs and sets all corresponding responses to the in-evaluation state.

URL structure

http:// host_name/path/
The fully qualified name of your Transaction server and the configuration path.

Parameter values

Required: A list of comma separated IDs of RFQs to cancel. For example, 10015,10016,10044.

Example 1

The following example closes RFQ with ID 10015 and sets all corresponding responses to the in-evaluation state.


Example 2

The following example closes RFQs with ID 10016, 10044 and sets all corresponding responses to the in-evaluation state.



  • Checks if the supplied RFQ IDs really exist in the database.
  • Calls the com.ibm.commerce.utf.commands.CloseRFQCmd task command to close the RFQs and sets all corresponding responses to the in-evaluation state.

Exception conditions

  • The parameter offering_id must be an integer.