HCL Commerce Enterprise

RFQActivateAllDue URL

Invoked by a scheduled job. Activates (submits) RFQs that are in the future state when the specified date and time are reached.

URL structure

http:// host_name/path/
The fully qualified name of your Transaction server and the configuration path.

Parameter values

Optional parameter in the command context. If the store ID is 0, then This URL works on all the RFQs in the site.

Example 1

The following example activates RFQs in store 1001 that are in the future state and the start time has passed.


Example 2

The following example activates RFQs in the site that are in the future state and the start time has passed.



  • Calls the ActivateAllDueRFQsCmd task command to activate RFQs that are in the future state and the start time has passed.

Exception conditions

  • The parameter storeId must be an integer if provided.