Creating the client library

Creating a new client library involves using the Design Pattern Toolkit and the ComponentProjects design pattern to create the template client code, and then opening and further customizing the generated class.

Before you begin


  1. Start HCL Commerce Developer.
  2. Go to the MyServiceModule-Client project.
  3. Open the class.
  4. Add the API for your Java programs to use. For example, you might add code to the build MyBusinessObject method.
  5. Add your Web enablement methods to make the service available through the URL.
  6. Optional: Add your Tag: getData configuration to use the client with the HCL Commerce foundation tag library for OAGIS base Get services.
    The following example gets the order object for the current shopping cart and assigns it to a variable called "order".
    <wcf:contextData name="storeId" data="10001" />
    <wcf:param name="accessProfile"
    value="WC_OrderDetailsProfile" />