Order flow process by using non-ATP inventory with the Payments subsystem

The order flow process varies depending on whether the store uses the Payments subsystem. The order flow also depends on whether the store uses the ATP (available to promise) or non-ATP inventory system.

Prerequisites: The Site Administrator schedules the following jobs:
  1. Place an order. A customer or an administrator who has the authority to act on behalf of the customer places an order with the store. When the order checkout sequence is complete the order moves to one of the following states:
    Either a part or the total amount is approved.
  2. B2B direct Approve the order.
  3. Approve payment for the order, if required. Payment methods such as COD (Cash on Delivery) and Bill Me do not need approval.
  4. Ship goods. Ship the order to the customer.
  5. Finalize the order. The OrderClose scheduled job runs to initiate closure of the order.