HCL Commerce Version or later

Product variant details page

Customers use the responsive B2B product variant details page to view details about a product. The layout that is assigned to the page displays the product name, price, full image, short description, the defining attributes, and more.

The center of the layout contains the SKU List widget. Customers can view the full set of SKUs associated to a product variant in a table and scan the attributes quickly to pick the right combination. They can add one or more SKUs to their current order or a requisition list in a single action. They can also view the full set of SKUs associated to a product variant, which appear in a table on the page.

The layout also contains several widgets that have e-Marketing Spots to display advertisements and product variant recommendations.

This page is managed in the Commerce Composer tool.

Desktop screen capture

The following screen capture shows how a product variant is displayed in the storefront. It is identical in most respects to a product display page. However, note that the defining attribute of the variant is displayed, in this example Finish: Frosted.
Desktop screen capture

Optional functions on this page

The following functions can be enabled or disabled for the Aurora starter store by using the Store Management tool in Management Center. For more information, see Selecting store functions.
Requisition lists
Customers who are signed in to the store can add the SKU to a requisition list or create a requisition list.
Display inventory availability (online store)
Adds the Online Availability column to show whether the selected SKU is available in the online store.
Store locator
Adds the In-Store Availability column to show whether the selected SKU is available in a selected physical (brick-and-mortar) store.

Layout, template, and page information

The following table provides details about the layout that is assigned to Fasteners product variant pages in the Commerce Composer tool in Management Center:
Layout, template, and page information
Layout name FastenersProductPageLayout
Template name Catalog entry page
Template type Responsive Templates
Page assignments This layout is assigned to the following product variant pages in the sales catalog that is used for the B2B store:
  • All product pages in the Bolts category
  • All product pages in the Nuts category
  • All product pages in the Screws category
Note: The product pages in the Lighting category use the default layout for product pages.
Page type Product page
Note: If a product variant has only one SKU, the page uses the default layout for product pages. For more information on the template and widgets in the default layout, see Product details page.


The following wireframe represents the Catalog entry page template that is used for this layout in the Commerce Composer tool:
Wireframe for the Catalog entry page template

Widget information

The following Commerce Composer widgets are included in the layout:
Widget information
Slot Widget Name Widget Type E-Marketing Spot name
1 BreadcrumbTrailWidget Breadcrumb Trail widget (not applicable)
2 HeaderLeftBannerContentWidget E-Marketing Spot widget (Common) HeaderBanner_Content_Left
3 HeaderRightBannerContentWidget E-Marketing Spot widget (Common) HeaderBanner_Content_Right
4 FullImageWidget Full Image widget (not applicable)
5 NamePartNumberAndPriceWidget Name, Part Number, and Price widget (not applicable)
5 ShortDescriptionWidget Short Description widget (not applicable)
5 DiscountsWidget Discounts widget (not applicable)
6 DefiningAttributesWidget Defining Attributes widget (not applicable)
6 SKUListWidget SKU List widget (not applicable)
6 FacebookLikeWidget Facebook Like widget (not applicable)
7 CatalogEntryRecommendationWidget E-Marketing Spot widget (Page-specific) [page_name]ProductRec_CatEntries
7 MerchandisingAssociationsWidget Merchandising Associations widget (not applicable)
Tip: In the Aurora starter store layout, the three tabs are not populated with widgets.

JSP files

The ProductDisplay.jsp file defines the entire page.

The Commerce Composer widgets that are included in this layout are defined by the following top-level JSP files:

  • BreadrcrumbTrail.jsp file
  • EMarketingSpot.jsp
  • FullImage.jsp file
  • NamePartNumberAndPrice.jsp file
  • ShortDescription.jsp file
  • Discounts.jsp file
  • DefiningAttributes.jsp file
  • SKUList.jsp file
  • FacebookLike.jsp file
  • MerchandisingAssociations.jsp file