Testing the customization

In this step of the tutorial, you verify that the customization is successful.


  1. Start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server.
  2. Open the Management Center.
  3. Click Management Center tools > Preferences.
    The Preferences dialog opens.
  4. Select the Language list, notice that your new languages now appear in the list.

    Language List
  5. Select Canadian English; then, click OK.
    The user interface changes to the en_CA locale, with the label changes (CA_) updated in preceding tasks.

    Language List
  6. Open the Catalogs tool, now labeled as CA_Catalogs.
  7. Select a store to work with, such as AuroraB2BEsite.
  8. Select the category list and notice that the assets changed to reflect the label changes.

    Language List
  9. Test your customization in the storefront.
    1. Open the Store Management tool.
    2. Click CA_Stores.
    3. Right-click the store that you want to work with and select CA_Launch Store.
    4. In the store header, select Language / Currency and select Canadian English.

      Language List
    5. Click Apply.
      The storefront language is changed to Canadian English.
  10. Log out of the Management Center.

    Alternatively, you can confirm the use of the en_CA locale by changing the language settings in your web browser, or by using the Management Center and directly specifying the locale in the address. Enter https://host_name:8000/lobtools/cmc/ManagementCenterMain?locale=en_CA

    Language List