WebSphere Commerce Version

Enabling Manual sequencing and featured image features for Commerce Insights

To manually change either the sequence of your products or the featured image in Commerce Insights, you must take steps to enable these options before you can use them.

For more information about Manual product sequencing see, Changing the product sequencing with Manual sequencing. For more information about featured images, see Changing a featured image during product sequencing.

Before you begin

  • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperFor development environments that are using Db2 or Oracle databases, you must create a staging trigger before you do this procedure.
    DB2 For Db2 databases, use the following SQL files:
    • WCDE_installdir\schema\db2\wcs.stage.sequence.sql
    • WCDE_installdir\schema\db2\wcs.stage.trigger.sql
    For example:
    db2 connect to db_name user db_user using db_password
    db2 -tvf WCDE_installdir\schema\db2\wcs.stage.sequence.sql
    db2 -td# -vf WCDE_installdir\schema\db2\wcs.stage.trigger.sql 
    Oracle For Oracle databases, use the following SQL files:
    • WCDE_installdir\schema\oracle\wcs.stage.sequence.sql
    • WCDE_installdir\schema\oracle\wcs.stage.trigger.sql

About this task

The following steps apply to WebSphere Commerce. If you are using Commerce on Cloud, see Enabling the intelligent sequencing and featured image features for Commerce Insights.


  1. In your WebSphere Commerce development environment, configure the EnableProductDisplayConfiguration search property in your custom catalog component configuration file (wc-component.xml) on the Search EAR.
    1. Open WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
    2. Create a custom catalog component configuration file (wc-component.xml), if one does not exist.
      1. Go to the following path:


      2. In the config folder, create a com.ibm.commerce.catalog-ext folder.


        If this folder exists, and it contains a customized version of the wc-component.xml file, then open the file, and skip to step 1.d.

      3. Create an empty wc-component.xml file in the com.ibm.commerce.catalog-ext folder. This file is your custom wc-component.xml file.
    3. Add the boilerplate XML elements for your custom wc-component.xml file:
      1. Open your empty, custom wc-component.xml file in an XML editor.
      2. Copy the following boilerplate code into the file:
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/commerce/foundation/config ../xsd/wc-component.xsd "
    4. Add the EnableProductDisplayConfiguration configuration grouping within the extended configuration grouping elements, as seen in the following example:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/commerce/foundation/config ../xsd/wc-component.xsd "
            <_config:configgrouping name="SearchConfiguration">
                This configuration defines whether to allow configuring product display properties such as 
                 overriding product image or product sequence in a category.
                 Default is false. Change this to "true" if required to enable this feature.
                <_config:property name="EnableProductDisplayConfiguration" value="true" />
    5. Save and exit the file.
    6. Deploy the customized file to the production environment.
  2. Update the Search index schema on your runtime environment.
    1. Open a command line on your runtime environment.
    2. Go to the following directory:
      • WC_installdir\components\foundation\subcomponents\search\bin
    3. Update the Search schema. Use one of the following options:
      1. For an existing Search index, update the schema:
        • For a Staging server with a workspace:
          ./setupSearchIndex.sh -instance instance_name -masterCatalogId masterCatalogId -dbuser db_user -dbuserpwd db_password -dbauser db_user -dbauserpwd db_password
          -createAll true -action "configWCforSolrUpdate,configSolrCoresUpdate"
        • For a Production server:
          ./setupSearchIndex.sh -instance instance_name -masterCatalogId masterCatalogId -dbuser db_user -dbuserpwd db_password 
          -action "configWCforSolrUpdate,configSolrCoresUpdate"

        For information about the detailed usage of the setupSearchindex utility, see setupSearchIndex utility.

      2. To create a Search index with the update, use the following steps:
        • For a Staging server with a workspace
          ./setupSearchIndex.sh -instance instance_name -masterCatalogId masterCatalogId -dbuser db_user -dbuserpwd db_password -dbauser dba_user -dbauserpwd dba_password 
          -createAll true -includeUpdate true
        • For a Production server
          ./setupSearchIndex.sh -instance instance_name -masterCatalogId masterCatalogId -dbuser db_user -dbuserpwd db_password -includeUpdate true

        For information about setting up the search index, see Setting up the search index.

    4. Optional: Verify that the Solr index schema is updated.
      1. Open your conf folder, such as solrhome/masterCatalogId/en_US/CatalogEntry/conf.
        Note: The example path is for a master node in a non-cluster environment. Your path can vary depending on what type of environment you have.
      2. Check to see whether confFiles.xml is added to the conf folder.
  3. Optional: Enable the feature in the Features.xml file.
    Note: This step is necessary only if you previously disabled the enhancement to enable product sequencing and featured image options. If you have not disabled this enhancement, continue with Step 4.
    1. Open the Search_eardir/xml/feature/Features.xml file.
    2. Add the following entry:
    3. Save the file.
  4. Restart the search server for the changes to take effect.
    For more information about restarting the search server, see Starting and stopping WebSphere Commerce Search.

What to do next

When the product display configuration for product sequencing and featured images is enabled, increase the Solr JVM maximum heap space by 15 MB category. For more information about increasing the Solr JVM maximum heap, see WebSphere Commerce Search performance tuning.