Installing software with the IBM Installation Manager

Developers can use the Installation Manager to install software on their own environments with IBM Installation Manager.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the IBM Installation Manager installed on your system. Also, make sure that you know the correct URL for the central repository. The URL format depends on how you made the central repository available over the local intranet.
  • Over HTTP: http://<hostname of the server>/common_repo
  • Over FTP: ftp://<hostname of the server>/common_repo/repository.config
  • Over Network Share: Map a drive letter to the common_repo drive, such as Y. The URL is Y:\common_repo\repository.config


  1. Launch the Installation Manager.
  2. In the main menu, select File > Preferences.
  3. Click Add Repository, enter the correct URL to the central repository, and then click OK.
  4. Ensure that the repository you just added is selected and click OK.
  5. Click Install and you can see all the products that are included in the central repository.
  6. Select the products that you want to install and follow the wizard to complete the installation.