Updating the test case document: Data

Data lists test data that is used in the test cases. The data is separated from the Test Cases tab so that data can be easily modified and maintained. Test cases reference this tab for all data purposes. This allows data sets to be easily shared between test cases. You can update a single location to affect all related test cases. This single tab has the benefit of easing the communication with the data creation team to ensure that all test data is available at the start of the FVT phase.

Data is divided into logical groups of data. For instance, user IDs and Passwords have their own section.

Each section contains the following columns:
Each piece data is given a name in the variable column. A variable is a unique value within the Data tab. Use names that are easy to understand and identify.
Data value
Actual data value is put into the Data Value column and referenced from the test cases. For one variable, one data value or multiple data values can be specified depending on the need. If more than one value is specified, each value is pared with a key. The key is the name that appears on the user interface. For example, First name = John (First name is the key and John is the value).
Test cases used
Contains the test cases where each data value is used. This allows a tester to quickly identify affected test cases if a data set must change. Update this section manually.
Comments are useful in understanding the purpose of the data and how it is used in the test cases.


Update the data as appropriate.
Store sample data is used as the test data
  1. Update the hostname in cell C6 of the Data tab
  2. Quickly scan through the data values and make any optional updates wanted
Test data is different from the store sample data
  1. Update the hostname
  2. Go to the Test Cases tab, and go through each test case and check the referenced data
  3. Check Variable Name and the Comments in the Data tab to determine whether a data update is required. If a test step is using an existing data, most probably the test data must be updated to match your test data.
    Alternatively, if the test step is using a new data, the update is optional
    • Update Required - If the test step selects a top category from the sample store data (Top Category = Furniture), you must update the data to refer to your own top category.
    • Update Required - If a top category that has a kit (Top Category = Tableware) is selected in the test case, you must find an equivalent top category that has a kit in your environment and update.
    • Update Optional – If the test case is registering a user, the given Logon ID in the test data can be used without modification.
New test data is added
  1. Insert a new row in the Data tab where the data logically fits.
  2. Give a unique name to the data variable
  3. Insert a data value
  4. Update the Test Cases Used column to reference the test cases that are using the newly inserted data
  5. Add comment to explain the purpose of the data
Existing data is used
  1. If an existing Data Value can be used, then reference the existing data value from the new test case data column.
  2. Update the Test Cases Used column to include the new test case