Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5Feature Pack 6


This class provides RESTful services to retrieve contact details, register a person as a member, and update a member.

Method Name HTTP Method URL Query Params Description Authentication Example
getAllPersonContact GET store/{storeId}/person/@self/contact/ addressType={addressType}&responseFormat={responseFormat} Retrieves the contacts in a person's address book. If the optional query parameter addressType is passed in, the returned contacts are filtered by addressType. Yes, HTTPS Sample
findPersonContactById GET store/{storeId}/person/@self/contact/byAddressId/{addressId} responseFormat={responseFormat} Retrieves a person's contact by address ID. Yes, HTTPS Sample
findPersonContactByNickName GET store/{storeId}/person/@self/contact/{nickName} responseFormat={responseFormat} Retrieves a person's contact by nick name. Yes, HTTPS Sample
addPersonContact POST store/{storeId}/person/@self/contact/ responseFormat={responseFormat} Creates a new contact in a person's address book. Yes, HTTPS Sample
updatePersonContact PUT store/{storeId}/person/@self/contact/{nickName} responseFormat={responseFormat} Updates the contact in the address book identified by nick name. Yes, HTTPS Sample
deletePersonContact DELETE store/{storeId}/person/@self/contact/{nickName} responseFormat={responseFormat} Deletes the contact in the address book identified by nick name. Yes, HTTPS Sample