Configuring the XML configuration files for the payment plug-in controller

In this part of the tutorial, you configure the payment plug-in controller. This configuration maps the payment system name to the payment plug-in for different payment configuration groups. We can configure any property that is required by the payment plug-in for each mapping. We can also configure the keywords which we will store for each payment instruction in the Payment Plug-in Controller mapping level. To configure the two payment systems for myGroup:

About this task


  1. Open WC_eardir\xml\config\payments\ppc\plugins\ PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml in a text editor.
  2. Locate the <PaymentSystemName name="SimpleOffline"> element, and add the following section after it:
    <Mapping paymentConfigurationId="myGroup" pluginName="SimpleOffline">  
    <Keyword name="cc_cvc" mask ="-" plain="0" removeAfterApproval ="true"/>  
    <Keyword name="cc_nameoncard" mask ="*" plain="0" removeAfterApproval ="true"/>  
    <Keyword name="account" mask ="*" plain="-5" searchable="true"/> 
    This Mapping element maps the SimpleOffline payment system to the SimpleOffline plug-in for myGroup. SimpleOffline is the payment plug-in name defined in the payment plug-in deployment descriptor.
  3. We do not have any special keywords for PayInStoreSys, because we do not know when the order might be submitted and when the actual payment might be made in the store. So you must add the following section before the final </mapper> element:
     <PaymentSystemName name="PayInStoreSys" >  
    <Mapping paymentConfigurationId="myGroup" pluginName="SimpleOffline" >  
    This maps PayInStoreSys to the SimpleOffline plug-in. For more details about PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml, refer to Payment system plug-in mapping XML file.


Now you have configured the payment plug-in controller for the two payment systems used by the VISA and PayInStore payment methods.

In the next step of the tutorial, you will learn how to configure SimpleOffline payment plug-in, which is used as the example in this tutorial.