Feature Pack 8: The Madisons store is deprecated. Most features demonstrated in the Madisons store are available in the Aurora store.

Troubleshooting: Nokia N97 simulator incorrectly rendering the mobile storefront

The mobile storefront includes additional square characters as visible carriage returns when using the Nokia N97 simulator. It appears frequently when using special characters from the ISO-8859-1 character set, followed by a carriage return.

This issue also occurs in some instances when JSTL tags are used to emit store text. For example, the following line, followed by a carriage return:

<fmt:message key="SAMPLE_TEXT" bundle="${storeText}" />

A potential workaround is to remove the carriage return and continue the next line on the current line. However, this approach is not ideal, as it creates code that becomes hard to consume for Web developers.

This issue appears to be a Nokia N97 simulator limitation, and can potentially affect your intended output on some Nokia devices.