WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseFeature Pack 8: The Madisons store is deprecated. Most features demonstrated in the Madisons store are available in the Aurora store.

Troubleshooting: Attachments displaying twice by publishing both an asset store and an Extended site

Attachments such as mobile e-Marketing spots are displayed twice in the storefront after publishing MadisonsMobile.sar against an asset store, followed by publishing it against an associated Extended site.

The default storefront behavior is to display all attachments for all categories. Since the sample data is included in the mobile store archive, each time the store is published, the sample data is also published.

This issue can be resolved by using the Management Center and deleting the sample data from the Extended site. That is, delete the latest attachment created by the second store publish. Therefore, the duplicate attachment is removed from the storefront, as the only remaining attachment is the asset store sample data.