Introduced in Feature Pack 2

Troubleshooting: Custom unique ID not defined while running OL unique ID validation

When running the OL Unique ID Validation tool, a warning message indicates that the custom file might contain custom objects where unique IDs are not defined.


A unique ID is used to uniquely identify an element under its parent. The values or the combinations of values must be unique under its parent instance. A null value or missing value is allowed. Unique identifiers are defined in the following ways:
  • The instance name itself is a unique identifier. For example mktExperimentValidator is a unique identifer.
  • The instance name and the value of an attribute form the unique identifier. In most cases, the attribute used is package. For example, the unique identifier of the element <ExperimentValidator validatorId='xyz' package='mkt'/> should be mktExperimentValidator.
  • The instance name and the combinations of values of attributes form the unique identifier.

When running the OL Unique ID Validation for a custom OpenLaszlo file including .lzx or .def file, there are warnings indicating that the added custom file might contain custom objects where unique ids are not defined.

Example 1:

You add a new lzx file, for examplenewfilename.lzx, in the /LOBTools/WebContent/WEB-INF/src/lzx directory. The file contains the following:

<wcfBaseComboBox id="optionSelector" name="optionSelector" width="235">		
	<catDSITextlistitem text="Gift box" value="11200" selected="true"/>
	<catDSITextlistitem text="Gift wrap" value="2" />
	<catDSITextlistitem text="Free message" value="0" />				
When you save the file and run the OL Unique ID Validation tool, you receive the following warning message:
The Unique ID for catDSITextlistitem is not defined.

Feature Pack 2Feature Pack 3Example 2:

You make a customization in a certain definition file under /LOBTools/WebContent/config, such as:

<PrimaryObjectDefinition baseDefinitionName="ctBaseLayoutPrimaryObjectDefinition"creatable="true" definitionName="Layout" objectType="Layout">
	<CreateNewObjectTypeFromObjectClientAction displayName="${ctLayoutResources.duplicateLayout}" package="mkt" targetObjectType="Layout"/>
	<CreateNewObjectTypeFromObjectClientAction displayName="${ctLayoutResources.createTemplateFromLayout}" package="mkt" targetObjectType ="LayoutTemplate"/>
After you save the file and run the OL Unique ID Validation tool, you receive a warning message:
  • Feature Pack 2The warning is that the Unique ID for CreateNewObjectTypeFromObjectClientAction is not defined.
  • Feature Pack 3The warning is that the Unique ID for mktCreateNewObjectTypeFromObjectClientAction is not defined. Go to the file /LOBTools/WebContent/properties/ to define the Unique ID for mktCreateNewObjectTypeFromObjectClientAction.


Example 1:

If the added file has a suffix with .lzx, you should add unique ID definitions in the file under \LOBTools\WebContent\properties for all the custom objects. If the added file has a suffix with .def, you should add unique ID definitions in the file under \LOBTools\WebContent\properties for all the custom objects.

To solve the problem of the unique ID not being defined in OpenLaszlo .lzx files, perform the following steps:
  1. Append the following definition to the file under \LOBTools\WebContent\properties:
  2. Run the OL Unique ID Validation tool again.

Feature Pack 2Feature Pack 3Example 2:

To solve the problem of the unique ID not being defined in the definition files, perform the following steps:

  1. Append the following definition to the file under \LOBTools\WebContent\properties:
  2. Run the OL Unique ID Validation tool again.