WebSphere Commerce Version

Cumulative interim fixes for Fix Pack 7

The following cumulative interim fixes are available for WebSphere Commerce Fix Pack 7.

Each individual iFix and cumulative iFix package contains a different readme file. Each readme file might include specific installation instructions. For example:
  • Some iFixes might require manual modifications to source code after you install the fix
  • For runtime environments, some iFixes might be applicable to the base WebSphere Commerce product only and not the instance.
You do not need database access to install an iFix because these fixes do not make any database changes during installation. However, some iFixes might require that you manually update the database to enable the fix after installation. Review the readme file to ensure that you install and enable the interim fix successfully.
For Fix Pack 7 cumulative interim fix installation instructions, see Readme topics for Fix Pack 7.

Every subsequent cumulative package release contains all fixes from the previous cumulative package. Therefore, you need to install only the latest cumulative interim fix to obtain all the interim fixes that are listed. The latest cumulative interim fix for Fix Pack 7 is JR53048.fp.

Fix Pack 7 cumulative interim fix

Category APAR Description
Cumulative JR53048.fp This cumulative interim fix includes all the fixes that were released for Fix Pack 7 up to August 7, 2015. See the following table for the full list of fixes that are included in this cumulative interim fix.
The following table displays the list of interim fixes that are included in this cumulative interim fix JR53048.fp.
Category APAR APAR Description
Analytics JR49259 Cannot configure Management Center to use a Coremetrics data center outside of the United States.
JR46280 The getFooter method in BIConfigRegistry.java might return a null value when data is retrieved from the Coremetrics configuration file.
JR48917 OrderShippingBillingConfirmationPage shows error if PayPal is used as the mode of payment and analytics is enabled.
JR48930 NullPointerException error occurs during the EventProcesor scheduled job when an Event component is disabled.
Authoring and Staging JR46681 There are 0-byte .log.lck files that are left in logs directory after stagingprop utility completes.
JR47784 Stagingprop utility fails when queries to invalidate cache for marketing or promotion tables are run.
IV72757 Many task group commit jobs running concurrently on different servers can cause database locking issues.
JR46785 Issue a non-zero exit code on missing physical data conditions during stagingprop invocation.
JR46786 Enable usage of JDBC-batch for LOB-type columns by the stagingprop utility on DB2/iSeries databases.
JR53094 Workspace creation fails if view objects in the base schema contain WITH clauses.
JR53251 Quick publish might fail for content managed tables with a composite primary key.
JR46351 There are many queries to CMMETADATA in the regular store context that are unnecessary and might affect performance.
JR48809 Quick Publish cannot publish more than one attachment or managed file in a federated environment.
JR46699 Approved task group remains in Committed state with errors in TaskGroupCleanupCmd.
JR47235 Database connection timeouts occur in the stagingprop utility's consolidation phase for large STAGLOG tables.
JR49401 Records in the CATGRPTPC table cannot be updated by using the stagingprop utility.
JR46230 Key collisions for access control policy tables might occur during the stagingprop utility's propagation phase if staging triggers for these tables are turned on and access control policy changes are made directly in the production server.
JR478031 After Quick Publish completes, an event failing error is logged on the production server trace.
JR478581 More diagnostic information for the stagingprop utility is needed.
JR46824 Approving a task group fails in Management Center with a 'task group id' not found message.
JR47985 java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904 error when the quick publish task is run.

Security fix:

The stagingprop and stagingcopy utilities require passwords to be passed in the command line.
JR49876 Enhances stagingprop utility diagnostics for violations of DELETE-RESTRICT foreign key relationships.
JR49965 Enables usage of common connection infrastructure in stagingprop, stagingcopy, and fileprop.
JR47901 INVCNFREL and INVCNF tables are not staged for DOM Inventory systems.
JR48564 Quick Publish completes successfully despite failing to publish data to production environment.
JR487641 Task group in Ready To Commit state cannot be returned to Active state
JR48772 Quick publish task shows error ORA-00904 or ORA-01747 in the logs.
JR49347 Quick Publish fails with ResourceException when publishing a delete statement.
JR49653 Quick Publish times out when publishing a large amount of data after applying JR48772
JR49715 Stagingprop error handling requires better identification of failed records in JDBC-batch for Oracle databases.
JR498561 Enhance stagingprop utility to avoid performing unnecessary consolidation.
JR49857 Enhance stagingprop utility to avoid performing unnecessary consolidation.
JR498721 Enable validation of configuration information for database and instance.
JR498741 Enable usage of common connection infrastructure for utilities.
JR498751 Enable usage of common connection infrastructure in stagingprop, stagingcopy and fileprop.
JR499581 Enhance stagingprop diagnostics for when a DELETE RESTRICT foreign-key relationship is violated.
JR50514 Using special characters for database password might cause the file from -script_file option of stagingcopy to not run correctly.
JR512791 Error with customized path when you enable workspaces with the approveForeignKeyViolationAction setting.
JR49451 Database deadlock during the cleanup phase in TaskGroupCleanupCmdImpl.
JR50237 Task Group in Commit state fails, even with approval actions enabled for tables with a string type primary key.
JR52695 enableContentManagement utility does not allow creation of additional workspace schemas.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR43874 In the workspaces environment, catalog data that is displayed in store preview might not be accurate.
JR46915 Data load or uploading new categories does not update linked relationships in a sales catalog.
JR51142 Provides contract entitled prices performance improvements.
JR53477 Preview of Managed File fails when the file name contains special characters including white space and the plus (+) sign.
JR46030 High CPU usage on RetrievePricesCmdImpl coming from method "retrieveParentCatalogEntryIds".
JR46678 Multiple price updates through the ChangePriceList service do not respect different price lists in a single request.
JR467481 Additional lightweight tracing is needed for the category linking and unlinking process.
JR46048 Deleting product attributes under a workspace triggers long running SQL SELECT statements.
JR48185 DuplicateKeyException error shows for CATENTDESC when catalog data is uploaded by using the Data Load utility.
JR50509 The Data Load utility and Catalog Upload might incorrectly delete existing assigned attribute attrval_id=0 records.
JR45890 Upload of managed static files to Microsoft FTP V7.5 fails when WebSphere Application Server is running on UNIX or Linux.
JR48661 setSalesCatalogId method in the CatalogFilterTreeDataBeanclass is private instead of protected.
JR46635 Adding an item to a wish list fails if DISPENTREL table is not populated.
JR50613 Long UTF-8 predefined Attribute Values are not saved correctly in Management Center.
JR49762 Reduces memory footprint of Price Rule object cache and implement the Sizeable interface.
JR48819 Error occurs on Mozilla Firefox when you try to upload files in Management Center with valid SSL certificate.
JR48903 CatalogContext database queries are executed on every page in Extended Sites stores.
JR48952 The getNames method constructor is set to private in the AbstractCatalogEntryMediator.
JR47806 When you create a product in Management Center, the short and long description fields are not populated in the BASEITMDSC table
JR49725 Unable to add PackageBeans to the cart when the PackageBean does not have any Defining Attributes.
JR50043 Duplicate assigned attribute values can cause a performance impact.
JR47906 Encounter 'CWXFD3134E' exception in Management Center when you view a product that has more than 500 SKUs.
JR50913 Change History is not correctly recorded when catalog entry attributes are assigned.
JR47491 Catalog Entry web service fails when multiple attribute values of more than one type are specified in the request.
JR516791 Incorrect contract pricing logic.
JR51140 Unable to use Management Center to update FIELD1 - 3 of the FACET table
JR51556 Web service returns Merchandising Associations, which might contain catalog entries that are marked for deletion.
JR50628 TradingAgreementAccessBean.findEntitledTradingAgreementByTypeForBuyerUnderStore is not cached.
IT05823 Improve caching in ResolveSkuNewCmdImpl method.
IV69142 Quick Publish does not propagate assets to production environment.
JR52814 Data Load utility fails when the input CSV file has duplicate allowed values.
JR45906 The values in the CATENCALCD.CALFLAGS column might not be updated as expected when Catalog Upload is used.
JR46312 Cannot add catalog entries to a sales catalog using Accelerator.
JR47052 Slow query performance when you delete workspace (non-approved) attributes.
JR47321 Catalog Filter does not display SKUs where CATENTDESC.NAME is null.
JR47552 Unlinking categories in Management Center might take a long time or result in a transaction timeout.
JR48723 Access control needed for a component service.
JR48800 The data extraction utility does not support direct SQL.
JR48862 Cannot upload CSV files, or other files to Management Center by using the Mozilla Firefox browser.
JR49782 There is no service support to save the columns field1-4 of the ATCHTGT table in the Management Center Assets tool.
JR50348 SaveAccountCmdImpl invalidates the complete data cache.
JR505461 Cannot modify shared attribute values in Management Center.
JR51427 IndexOutOfBoundsException when you try to change the sequence of defining attributes.
JR51428 When you update shared attributes with assigned values, the values are changed for the wrong store.
JR51792 Cache frequently executes TERMCOND query.
JR52242 Data Load utility cannot create attribute values in multiple languages in a single invocation.
JR52332 Duplicate file names can be created using the Assets tool of Management Center
Data Load and other loading tools JR46524 Data Load utility halts when it encounters a null character 0x0000 in the input data.
JR46050 ATP inventory data that is loaded with the Data Load utility does not populate the ITEMFFMCTR table.
JR47637 Data Load utility fails to load products when previously orphaned attribute values are processed.
JR53497 Method setStartkey in class AbstractBusinessObjectMediator is not customizable.
JR46732 ORA-24816 exception encountered by the stagingprop utility.
JR46827 Data is loaded for only one category when loading calculation code for multiple categories.
JR52981 Data Load utility's file difference preprocessor might fail when an error is found within the file.
JR53166 Running dataload for catalog data for multiple stores with different languages throws generic error.
JR53252 Using dataload to delete catalog entries might fail if SEO is enabled but no SEO data exists for catalog entry.
JR53252 The dataload utility does not respect the "searchable" or "merchandisable" flags for Attribute Dictionary attributes.
JR47127 When inventory data is uploaded, the ITEMSPC_ID is not always resolved against the catalog entry.
JR50195 Catalog entry with SEO properties in multiple languages cannot be loaded by using the Data Load utility.
JR48805 FeedRetriever parses arguments incorrectly when a parameter value contains an equals (=) sign.
JR48799 Includes Data Load framework changes to support the ability for customers to specify SQL in the data extraction.
JR48785 Data Load logging produces an excessive number of INFO messages.
JR49819 Data Load utility fails with XML file input after an error occurs with maxError parameter > 1.
JR48982 Unnecessary updates to the OPTCOUNTER column for primary key-only tables during data load.
JR46729 Adds the Feature Pack 5 SEO mediators to the Data Load utility.
JR49710 Double-byte characters that are added to the database by the Data Load utility show up as question marks "????".
JR49551 Using Data Load utility to generate URL keywords for categories might cause duplicate key exceptions.
JR49546 Slow performance when loading attribute values into workspaces with the Data Load utility.
JR51265 Data Load utility fails to generate an alternate URL keyword for a category when it encounters a duplicate category name.
JR45763 When CatalogGroup items are uploaded, you encounter validation errors when you update a catalog group (in the master catalog) that is linked to a sales catalog.
JR47023 Data Load utility does not load ATTRVALDESC table in an update operation if the assigned value was not changed.
JR50093 Enable usage of common connection infrastructure for utilities
JR48578 Data Load utility does not support loading MetaDescription in CatalogEntryWithoutPrice if PageTitle is blank.
JR47999 The idresgen utility does not output records with existing primary keys or fails to consider some foreign keys.
SE54757 The idresgen utility requires performance improvements and support for case insensitivity for the KEYS table.
JR51847 Full-select deletes in the dbclean utility can lead to excessive locking.
JR52006 Excessive database resource usage by the dbclean utility on iSeries databases.
JR52001 Provides an Offline Cleanup Mode for dbclean utility

Security fix:

fileloader utility script requires the password to be passed on command line.
JR50097 Enable the updateua utility and improve internal utility for schema operations.
JR51724 Enable input of command-line parameters as key/value pairs from file with support for encrypted values.
JR50112 Numeric literals that are generated with -script_file option of stagingcopy contain digit groupings and cannot be processed.
JR52959 Improves performance of the idresgen utility, and provides case insensitivity support for the KEYS table.
JR52400 Business Context information is not accessible from customized logic for the Data Load utility.
JR52361 The 'searchable' flag is not respected for Attribute Dictionary attributes when Data Load utility is used.
JR53003 Enable usage of common connection infrastructure in idresgen utility.
JR53004 Massload utility does not provide adequate diagnostic information.
JR53073 Enables Exception Object diagnostic support for massload and idresgen utilities.
JR49228 Swedish locale is not properly supported by the Data Load utility, which leads to truncated double fields in the database.
JR49637 The arguments in FeedRetriever command are not parsed correctly.
JR49916 Data is concatenated to header rows when performing file difference preprocessing using Data Load.
JR500581 Enable usage of common connection infrastructure for utilities
JR50103 Enable validation of configuration information for database and instance.
JR50455 Rollback does not work completely when an error occurs during Catalog Upload.
JR50467 Data Load utility cannot use common infrastructure to acquire database connections.
JR50552 The ID resolver cache does not handle the decimal type properly on Oracle databases.
JR51280 Catalog Upload results in Statement is closed error
JR51732 Error logging cannot be disabled for the Data Load utility.
JR52808 idresgen utility might not resolve identifiers correctly on DB2/iSeries databases.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR47608 Add DB2 10.1 support to WebSphere Commerce Version 7.0
JR49296 WCBD Delta Deployment fails to copy changes in static content (file names that have a white space in their name).
JR50175 In a PureScale environment, the fileloader utility hangs with a hung database transaction error.
JR53163 Migrating a database from a V6 environment to a V7 environment results in PX_ELEMENT table error.
JR53486 WebSphere Commerce instance creation does not create a log file.
JR52398 Access control relationship evaluation can have poor performance.
JR51421 MigrateEncryptedInfo only uses database name to determine the database connection.
JR46373 When customizations are deployed by using WCBD's centralized deployment option, you might encounter a permission error that does not allow the deployment to run on a non-Windows platform.
JR509551 Encounter inconsistent behavior of the ScheduledContentManagedFileEARUpdate job

Security fix:

Command-line scripts might lead to disclosure of user personal data when debugging is enabled.
JR455891 Enables usage of custom tablespace names for Content-Version Enablement on DB2 Linux, Unix, Windows databases.
JR50832 Workspace approval with approveUniqueViolationAction enabled causes Index out of bounds exception.
JR52690 Enable updatedb utility to run with close-to-zero downtime.
Maintenance JR49000 Avoids loading all MemberGroupMemberBean objects for a member group into memory.

Security fix:

dbclean utility requires the database password to be passed on the command line.
JR537911 Needed to support JR49398 and JR46643.
JR52005 Enables usage of common connection infrastructure in dbclean utility.
JR524851 Updates the nifstack.xml file.
Marketing and Promotions JR46001 A 'Merchandising Association Recommendation' Marketing web activity does not display products in the correct sequence.
JR46007 Bounced emails are not recorded in the database for marketing dialog and email activities.
JR51141 Number of orders and revenue statistics are not updated for Marketing experiments.
JR467691 High memory usage while executing the SendMarketingTriggers scheduled job.
JR52333 PX_CDPOOL does not properly support Quick Publish.
JR53688 Customer Segment REST API does not return segments with Account conditions.
JR53085 Incorrect promotion discounts might be awarded to shoppers for order total or subtotal promotions.
JR53107 Incorrect discount given for order running total for customized promotions.
JR53211 Marketing experiment statistics are not correct when the experiment is recommending sales categories.
JR53404 Promotion engine does not log exceptions completely.
JR53511 Remove database queries on the table ORDITPROMOCD when it is not used in a customization.
JR48703 Minimizes the number of SQL queries that are executed by marketing activities.
JR466431 Performance issue sending marketing email with PromotionCode tag in email template when promotion has unique codes.
JR49283 BatchUpdateException appears in the logs.
JR46500 Improves ShopcartDrivenAgendaBuilder cache hits.
JR50130 Promotion does not apply to the least expensive items first.
JR48246 Unique promotion can be used multiple times.
JR48039 PromotionalPriceDataBean does not take promotion codes into consideration.
JR47791 An exception is thrown when an e-Marketing Spot is included on a store page with a name that is greater than 64 characters.
JR51935 PromotionalPriceDataBean does not take promotion codes into consideration.
JR48394 Entries from table PX_CDPOOL are deleted when a promotion is deactivated and activated under a task.
JR47239 Promotions can be deactivated while promotion codes are being generated, which can create more codes than requested.
JR49825 Static e-Marketing Spot JSP fragment is not consumed by cached parent page.
JR48904 Performance impact of catalog entry entitlement checking during e-Marketing Spot recommendations.
JR48528 When you preview a promotion that is set for a future date, the preview displays the current promotion, not the future promotion.
JR50747 e-Marketing Spot recommendations do not appear on the storefront for newly created e-Marketing Spots.
JR474351 Adds a necessary cache configuration for APAR JR49480.
JR48936 Methods in WCSOrderItemFactory and WCSOrderFactory do not allow for customization.
JR46349 Promotion runs on production server at a different time than what was specified in Management Center on the staging server.
JR47383 Performance impact when business users use the Accelerator marketing tool on a production site.
JR45705 The Marketing catalog entry inventory filter 'removeIfNoInventory' does not work with non-ATP shared inventory.
JR45719 Setting up a custom Marketing Content click action URL can be difficult when there are different URLs for different languages.
JR45304 A customer is not entitled to a promotion when they belong to the customer segment associated with the promotion. This occurs with segments that use the 'Customer segments' condition on the 'Customer or Segment' page.
JR46826 Promotion status is inconsistent between promotions with codes and without, after the redemption limit is exceeded.
JR49398 User is able to use a 'one time use' promotion code multiple times as an anonymous user.
JR47002 Multiple promotions might not be applied correctly to an order when Best Deal promotion is enabled.
JR50098 Promotion is not applied consistently when used with custom filter.
JR46449 The promotion proximity message continues to display after the promotion is applied to the shopping cart.
JR48556 Minimizes the number of SQL queries that are executed by marketing activities.
JR51800 Promotion start time might not render correctly within the Promotions tool after you reload the tool.
JR51839 The AdvancedPromotionEngine.createPromotionContext method needs to support setting the active date for evaluation.
JR52035 DuplicateKeyException might be thrown when a shopper logs on.
JR52125 Timeout exceptions might appear in the logs when the nightly SendMarketingTriggers scheduled job is run.
JR49116 "Add to shopping cart and apply promotion" click action returns an error in Management Center.
JR51997 A NullPointerException is thrown when a 'Buy Product X and Get Product Y free' promotion type is applied.
JR52768 The 'Customer Is In Segment' trigger does not include guest and generic users.
JR53017 Allows customization to create an element in user behavior string with a text identifier.
JR51982 Dialog activity does not work as expected on a clustered environment.
JR45774 Overriding the default promotion type configuration through customization in Management Center does not work.
JR45820 When there are errors reading the flex flow configuration, entries are cached with null value.
JR45940 A Merchandising Association Recommendation Marketing web activity displays products that belong to a different Extended Sites store.
JR46153 E-Marketing Spot might not display the correct number of content recommendations when the DM_ActivityOrder parameter is set to true.
JR462341 Sending email from a dialog activity fails when there are over 10,000 recipients.
JR48611 Performance issues when invalidating marketing behavior rule cache entries.
JR49103 LASTUPDATEBY and LASTUPDATE fields in the PX_PROMOTION table are not up to date.
JR49460 Promotion proximity message does not work in all scenarios.
JR494731 Improves the performance of dialog activities.
JR49477 Promotion code can be used multiple times as anonymous when it is set for one time use.
JR49493 Emails are not sent for a daily Customer Abandons Shopping Cart dialog activity.
JR49905 Quick publish does not publish new promotion codes and does not update the production database after the task group is approved.
JR50158 Category-level promotions are applied even though the targeted categories are marked for delete.
JR507031 cacheWithParent parameter has no effect on caching.
JR50727 DefaultCouponManager always sets errorCodeMajor to -1500.
JR51272 Unexpected promotion discount is given when multiple subtotal-based promotions apply to an order.
JR51458 Allow CouponListDataBean to return the correct status.
JR51579 Per-unit discount calculations might result in incorrect item subtotal calculations.
JR51650 Support invalidating e-Marketing Spot REST cache entries.
JR51771 ListMemberGroupsForCurrentUserCmdImpl command might return incorrect member groups.
JR52147 Coupon is not restored after check out when promotion purchase condition is not met.
JR52192 Action buttons next to the Campaign Activities table do not appear correctly on Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and 11.
JR52193 Action buttons next to the Scheduled Content table in Accelerator do not appear correctly on Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and 11.
JR485571 Slow performance when loading e-Marketing Spots and activities into the marketing cache.
JR52246 BOGO-type promotion adjustments might not be calculated correctly.
Member and Session Management JR46008 Customer Segment conditions on the Account page in a B2B store model do not work.
JR47640 AddressDo.isEmailAddressValid(String strEmail) method cannot be extended.
JR45876 Shipping and billing addresses are both shown in shipping address list and billing address list.
JR477961 LDAP user fails to log on to Management Center or Accelerator because roles are not automatically assigned.
JR48079 APAR JR47275 fixed by interim fix 2854 did not provide cache invalidation triggers for the MBRATTRVAL table.
JR48873 CSRF error page is shown instead of Logon in use message.
JR48875 'There are multiple activity cookies, only one is used' warning message needs more details.
JR472901 Large member groups can cause out of memory condition.
JR45670 Allows simultaneous logon, and sharing of the Activity ID across channels.
JR49433 Avoids loading all MemberGroupMemberBean objects for a member group into memory.
JR50350 Users are redirected to the Logon form after a timeout instead of continuing as a guest user.

Security fix:

Potential cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Administration Console.
JR494921 Enhance the LDAP Synchronization to allow for easier customization to disable users from being synchronized.
JR49545 Guest user session validation fails in the Process Person service.
JR50689 _ERR_PROCUREMENT_INVALID_SUPPLIER_COOKIE error during punch-out payments.
JR50763 Improve performance of organization search in Oranization Administration console .
JR521661 BuyerRegistrationAddCmd creates a ClassCastException.
JR52168 LDAPUserSyncCmdImpl trace is not dynamic.
JR52228 Cannot approve organization and user approval requests at the same time.

Security fix:

Potential cross-site scripting vulnerability in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
JR52231 Encounter HTTP 500 Error when searching for customers on Accelerator.

Security fix:

Potential cross-site scripting vulnerability in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR49119 Provide caching infrastructure to allow caching of STORETRANS queries.
JR48372 Provide an option to control the cancelReservation flag for Inventory in Order commands.
JR46223 Prevents excessive DOM GetInventoryAvailability calls when the inventory availability is below the threshold.
JR46816 Scheduled Orders and Recurring Orders do not work when Sterling OMS is enabled.
JR48372 Provide an option to control the cancelReservation flag for Inventory in Order commands.
JR46588 Multi-part messages fail to send with error 'CMN8216E: Anerrorinvalidstreamheader occurred'.
JR48522 Cannot launch Sterling Configurator on Management Center as a Registered User.
JR48922 Modified Dynamic Kit configurations are not validated at the shopping cart.
JR49346 Duplicate SKUs cannot be configured within Dynamic Kits.
JR51824 Cannot use Dynamic Kit products in promotions.
JR47189 Avoid hardcoding MSGTYPE_ID 126 for Email message type.
JR47558 Customized BOD mapping that matches a default mapping overrides the default command mapping.
JR48931 Preconfigured Dynamic Kits are not validated when added to the shopping cart.
JR49101 There are unnecessary frequent queries to the STORETRANS table.
JR49362 Enhancement: Allows for duplicate SKUs in Dynamic Kit configurations.
JR499111 Adds the ability to perform validation on preconfigured Dynamic Kits when added to the cart.
JR52241 Provides a SupplierCookie maxRetries configuration.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR469291 The memory cache is not invalidated for database inventory batch update through data load in the integration with an external order management system.
JR48189 Issues with recognizing DoInventory and DoPrice flags during service requests.

Security fix:

Security APAR CVE-2014-0943: Potential Denial of Service vulnerability for Order web services
JR476321 Cannot override the checkInventory() method in CheckInventoryAvailabilityCmdImpl.
JR46862 Entitlement check fails while calling the SyncInventoryAvailabilityCmd command.
JR46903 Removes the Enterprise Service Bus from the Sterling side-by-side integration.
JR48189 Incorrect quantity is added to cart for some combinations of nominal quantity and quantity measure.
JR53119 The GetOrder service can execute duplicate database queries during shopcart display.
JR48718 Order notification emails are not sent to customers for scheduled orders.
JR45873 Incorrect shipping address is displayed during checkout.
JR48108 Cannot access variables to use price cache to use external pricing services.
JR48189 Incorrect quantity is added to cart for some combinations of nominal quantity and quantity measure.
JR46901 Removes requirement of the enterprise service bus as the medium layer between WebSphere Commerce and Sterling.
JR46900 Reduces the number of ORDITPRMOCD queries for large shopping carts.
JR47162 Remove unnecessary UPDATE SQL statements to the ORDERITEMS table during 'Add to Cart' and 'Calculation' flow.
JR47560 Duplicate inventory check requests go to the back-end inventory system for the same SKU.
JR47195 When the MemberAttributeValueListDataBean class is called, the DATETIME attribute type returns null
JR49781 OrderItemDisplayCmd only adds the first out of stock item to errorOrderItemId array

Security fix:

Security fix related to payments.
JR51048 InvalidDataException while refunds are processed for multiple order items in reverse order in a partial shipment
JR49748 Provides extensibility to the PaymentEventListener method.
JR483291 Unnecessary SQL update on the ORDADJDSC table when a shopping cart with discounts is prepared.
JR51007 Cannot share a requisition list under an organization.
JR51413 When PARMTYPE is set to 1, percentage shipping adjustment is calculated instead of calculating the fixed shipping adjustment.
JR50310 Finalization of payments does not deposit full amount of the payment.
JR50740 Payments cannot be processed during daylight savings change.
JR467681 Pass the neverPersist parameter to the payment plug-in in the return flow for payment refund.
JR49480 Improves store check out performance.
JR48992 Allows the usage of java.math.BigDecimal instead of the deprecated com.ibm.math.BigDecimal on the Solaris platform.

Security fix:

Potential Denial of Service vulnerability for Order web services.
JR50349 OrderDataBean does not fetch the correct orders based on the user's current store.
JR478271 Cannot override FetchExternalPriceEntryCmdImpl.callExternalPriceService method.
JR473491 Poor performance on ORDTAX deletion due to many tax categories.
JR47397 Partial reservations are not allowed, and cannot control when to reserve for DOM inventory.
JR50024 Cannot extend the OrderCloseCmdImpl.processOrder method.
JR45784 Guest shopper order is not merged to an existing pending order during shopper log on.
JR48648 Unnecessary queries to the ORDIADJUST table while an order is prepared.
JR47545 Supports caching for inventory configuration.
JR51290 When PARMTYPE is set to 1, percentage shipping adjustment is calculated instead of calculating the fixed shipping adjustment.
JR49612 Billing addresses are shown in the Shipping Address drop-down menu on the 'Shipping and Billing' page.
JR45843 RMAAUTHLOG table is not populated after the RMA is manually approved.
JR51610 INVENTORY "noCheck" option does not work for non-ATP inventory.
JR49247 Calling ProductInventoryUpdateCmdImpl under heavy shopping load can cause optimistic update failure exceptions.
JR49010 Allows for ProductInventoryUpdateCmdImpl customizations.
JR52226 InventoryConfigurationCache traces methods are incorrect.
JR46984 Improve performance by reducing SQL executions in CalculationHelper class without order level promotion
JR47256 Purchase Order Number is not displayed in Order Summary page in the Organization Administration Console.
JR47492 The CalculationRegistry RangeCache memory footprint is large when there are many ranges for each scale.
JR47986 Promotion short description displays on storefront product display page irrespective of promotion schedule.
JR48512 Provide customization points in CalculationCodeListDataBean.
JR48189 Incorrect quantity added to cart for some combinations of nominal quantity and quantity measure.
JR48765 When two promotions are enabled, shipping charge is displayed incorrectly in the store for the two shipmodes.
JR49513 Re-order does not keep the order of items as in the original order.
JR49530 Allow customization of various methods by changing the methods from private to protected.
JR50104 Extend support of ATPInventoryPerformance lockitemSpecEnabled to other database types.
JR50254 Cannot access Messaging.setConfigData() for Order Notifications to set email properties.
JR50712 Adds a NullPointerException check in the com.ibm.commerce.contract.util.ContractCmdUtil.class.
JR51793 Extend ATPInventoryPerformanceParameters to all database types.
JR520681 RMATAX table is not populated for each RMAITEM_ID part of the order.
JR52099 ShippingModeCache returns incorrect shipping modes when there are two concurrent cache misses for different stores.
JR52195 Enhancement: Reduces calculation registry indirect attachment memory footprint.
JR525381 RMATAX records that have RMATAX.TAXAMOUNT equal to 0 are saved when they do not need to be saved.
JR52650 ORA-01795 exception in calculation framework for items that are linked more than 1000 times.
SI49173 MerchantOrderNotify does not work for guest shopper.
JR48178 ScheduledOrderProcessCmd job does not send order notifications.
JR489591 Memory cache is not invalidated for inventory batch updates in DOM.
Programming Framework JR48163 Synchronization problems in Url and View registry refresh can lead to Java virtual machine deadlock.
JR46046 wcf:url does not respect HTTPS flag that is set in the struts configuration.
JR50100 Fileloader utility cannot use common database-connection infrastructure.
JR53061 The data cache does not provide a convenient way to cache and invalidate custom SQL query results.
JR46591 Developing SOI overlays with REST services results in an IllegalArgumentException error.
JR47100 Shopping cart operations perform several repeated queries to the TERMCOND database table.
JR48782 Exceptions that are related to the cache configuration are thrown when JUnit test cases are run.
JR500471 NullPointerException error occurs in DCInvalidationTaskCmdImpl initialization.
JR50041 Tickler objects cannot be cached.
JR50045 The sample cacheinstances.properties file might cause unnecessary error messages in the SystemOut.log file.
JR500311 NullPointerException error occurs in DCInvalidationTaskCmdImpl initialization.
JR49998 Access control relationship evaluation can have a large memory footprint and can have poor performance.
JR51494 Store preview stops working if you use a non-standard port number.
Runtime JR49897

Security fix:

Potential Denial of Service vulnerability related to XML processing.
JR45865 The HTTP or HTTP-WS connectors do not support timeout.
JR46096 Lock held too long when there is no active transaction.
JR46963 The original CreationDateTime field in response is trimmed and does not include the timestamp.
JR53668 Re-logon page not displayed after timeout in Cross-Site Request Forgery scenarios.

Security fix:

Possible Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the WebSphere Commerce administration tools.

Security fix:

Error pages contain detailed error messages.

Security fix:

Possible security vulnerability related to URL encoding.
JR53402 Custom query caching can cause missed invalidations.
JR53616 Memory leak in ThreadLocalFoundationProxy.
JR51779 DBClean utility fails on AS400 Systems.
JR50131 Potential delay in invalidating WXS Near Caches when the clearall option is used.
JR49925 Timing issue in DynaCache invalidation that can lead to incorrect results displayed.
JR51053 Decryption errors after you upgrade to IBM Java 1.6 SR16
JR50677 Performance improvements for RelationshipEvaluator method.
JR477311 Simplify servlet cache invalidation using the DynaCacheInvalidation scheduler job.
JR48874 DuplicateKey exception for CTXMGMT table when persisting generic business context is not descriptive enough.

Security fix:

Potential security vulnerability with XML injection.
JR44594 Enables service preview feature.
JR51922 Supports custom code to handle cache invalidation.
JR50765 More cache is added to reduce queries to the STORETRANS table from ModelHelper constructor.
JR49685 Java deadlock encountered during server start-up.

Security fix:

Security APAR CVE-2013-0566: Resolve Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) security vulnerabilities in the tooling pages.
JR48892 Allows client to write custom code to handle cache invalidation.
JR49088 Invalidation of the MemberGroupsCacheCmdImpl cacheable command after transaction commits.
JR473651 Multiple concurrent requests to ThreadLocalFoundationProxy's WeakHashMap can cause locking issues.
JR49558 NullPointerException error occurs in MultiClickRequestHandler.

Security fix:

Security APAR CVE-2013-0523: Possible security vulnerability could allow disclosure of user personal data.
JR47553 After you apply the fix for JR46386, you notice that more exceptions that are related to cookies appear in the logs.
JR49568 When ServiceLogger trace is enabled, users see unexpected behavior.
JR49999 The Administration Console user interface shows incorrect status of registries (after refresh all).
JR47933 Workspace Task Group appears in 'Commit Failed' state after approval because of validation errors in promotions.
JR47978 Queries to the OFFERDESC table are not cached
JR509021 SDO initialization problems result in blank pages when you view the store.
JR48579 The Data Cache does not cache results from the getCatalogEntriesByMAssocTypeAndStore method
JR448401 Only the schema owner can connect and seamlessly work against the WebSphere Commerce application and utilities.
JR47490 Updates logic that is used during application start-up and runtime.
JR49616 Correct performance issue with DynaCacheInvalidation job.
JR479161 When an Ajax action redirects to a Logon form view, the langId parameter is lost.
JR51983 Massload and idresgen utilities require password to be passed on command line.
JR53015 Only the schema owner can connect and seamlessly work against the WebSphere Commerce application and utilities.
JR52450 WebSphere Commerce PMI counter for SEO URL is unlimited.
JR46985 Supports tracing at the class level and reduces the overhead of traces at the component level.
JR475641 When preFetchJDBCConnection setting is set to true, data load can fail with a DSRA9110E: Statement is closed message.
JR48985 Management Center displays all SKUs for products with over 1000 SKUs.
JR49170 NullPointerException in DCInvalidationTaskCmdImpl initialization.

Security fix:

Management Center redirects do not honor URL redirect filtering.

Security fix:

Some commands in the Organization Administration Console do not have Cross-site Request Forgery protection enabled.

Security fix:

Component Services might return error messages that contain internal system information.
JR50206 Enabling Cross-site Request Forgery protection causes CSRF error after logon in certain situations.
JR50322 Object names are changed to upper case when creating or updating workspaces or content-versioning features.
JR50438 DSL two-step queries fail when the 'usePrimaryKeyValues' flag is set to false.
JR506911 Enhancement: Supports different persistent cookie expiry for guest and registered shoppers
JR50698 Cannot make Attribute Dictionary attribute facetable in the Management Center under workspaces.

Security fix:

Resolve cross-site scripting issues in the Organization Administration Console

Security fix:

Resolve cross-site scripting issues in the Organization Administration Console
JR51102 Non-SEO URLs use the shortened context root instead of the default context root.
JR51586 Cannot reset the password of a user that only exists in database when the site is configured to use LDAP.
JR52033 Provide option to disable caches for REST requests.
JR52167 Reduce memory footprint of OrgEntityManageDataBean.
JR52234 Cannot restore category version in workspace.
JR522391 RSAR errors detected in ECOrganizationQuery.java and ECUserQuery.java

Security fix:

Potential cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Accelerator.
JR52330 User is unable to sign in to a store after an organization is approved.
SE59015 Some STAGLOG entries remain unprocessed after quick publish.
Sales Center JR47275 Cache MBRATTR and MBRATTRVAL table query results for Sales Center.
Search JR46543 Frequent queries to the SEOPAGEDEF, SEOPAGEDEFOVR, and SEOPAGEDEFDESC tables.
JR49944 Supports multi-phrase synonym exact match subset.
JR47565 An AttributeDictionaryAttributeException is thrown when searching for Attribute Dictionary Attributes
JR45569 On search display pages, for displaying facets, repeated attribute dictionary service calls causes performance degradation.
JR46694 Performance degradation when searching entitlements through the CheckCatalogGroupEntitlementBySearchCmdImpl command.
JR488501 Includes various WebSphere Commerce search performance enhancement and fixes.
JR536181 Search phrases that contains the "$" character cause errors.
JR47295 Includes various WebSphere Commerce Search performance enhancements.

Security fix:

Di-buildindex and di-preprocess utilities require passwords to be passed on the command-line.
JR50762 Running the dataextract utility with trace enabled results in java.lang.StackOverflowError.
JR47425 Replaces synonym expansion for AND case with more compact form.
JR48976 Encounter a Cloudscape Syntax error when you attempt to link a category to a Sales Catalog.
JR490631 Enables the OR operator for multiple word synonym expansion.
JR47001 Preprocess utility does not report failure correctly when multithread is set to true.
JR47090 FACET.SEQUENCE is not updated with the sequence that is set in Management Center.
JR522351 RSAR errors detected: SolrQueryParameters.java
JR52612 An exception occurs when processing facets that have many values.
Stores and Mobile JR46920 Configure data cache to delay after invalidations are sent to specified object caches.
JR49207 Local transaction cache can grow to be large when search result sets are large.
JR48186 SitemapGenerate job causes EAR updates that might not be wanted and needs to be configurable.
JR46967 Finder exception occurs when the address details of a free gift item is changed during a check out flow.
JR48060 Query parameters from SEO-mapped commands are not properly encoded.
JR53399 JSON objects that are returned to shopper pages might include the class name of Java Beans.

Security fix:

Query parameters for SEO URLs are not properly encoded.
JR471311 A blank page is displayed when you try to create a new store using the Store Creation Wizard in Accelerator.
JR48832 Bad Ajax URL is generated by the wcf:url tag when inSSLAcceleratorPort & inNonSSLAcceleratorPort are the same port.
JR49175 Provides enhancements to the data cache for large database query result sets.
JR50259 Provides customers with the extension point AbstractURLPostProcessor to the URLTag.
JR51436 Cannot view shopping cart if the foundation trace is enabled.
JR472501 UserData fields for physical store location descriptions are unavailable.
JR46271 Store registry memory footprint is larger than necessary.
JR48477 Transactions time out when the SitemapGenerate job is run.
JR47356 When the SitemapGenerate job is run with multiple languages, only 1 file is generated.
JR47364 The compareFiles=false parameter for the SitemapGenerate job does not work.
JR51276 Pressing Back on the Checkout pages can cause blank entries in PPCEXTDATA and 0 amount.
JR49311 Store preview does not work if '/' is used as shortened context root.
JR47949 URL context path is incorrectly set.
JR46450 For Feature Pack 3 or later SEO, full path URLs are generated instead of the expected relative URLs.
JR479721 NullPointerException occurs when wcf:url tries to construct URLs that do not have a context path.
JR47456 Publishing ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore-FEP.sar with sample data causes 'Year out of range' error.
JR46447 Billing address drop-down menu does not get populated correctly when the billing address is changed during the check out flow.
JR48921 Correct the locale when the langId that is used in the URL is not a supported language for the store.
JR49233 Transaction timeouts occur when the SitemapGenerate job is run.
JR52818 New SEO URL keywords are generated when you use Catalog Upload for updates.
JR464511 Enables relativeURL generation by using wcf:url tags in Feature Pack 3 or later versions of SEO.
JR47136 When a user attempts to create a store through Accelerator, the store creation wizard shows a blank page.
JR478881 WhiteListProtection with SEO URL users are not redirected to the ProhibitedCharacterErrorView view as expected.
JR49902 Launching store preview gives a 404 HTTP error when the shortened context root is a substring of the store context path.
JR51134 Add support to the SitemapGenerate job to use the 'HostName' parameter.
JR52495 Cannot add images to the sitemap.
1 denotes APAR fixes or enhancements that were created by IBM to supplement other APARs. No further information will be provided.