Feature Pack 7 or later

Sample biConfig.xml file for IBM Marketing Center

The following biConfig.xml sample file contains the configuration details for IBM Marketing Center, as well as IBM Digital Analytics, another IBM Enterprise Marketing Management module.

The default sample biConfig.xml file that WebSphere Commerce provides is in the following directory:

  • WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce - ExpressWebSphere Commerce ProfessionalWC_installdir/components/store-enhancements/samples/Coremetrics/xml
  • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir/components/store-enhancements/samples/Coremetrics/xml

Your updated biConfig.xml file must be deployed to the following directory so that IBM Digital Analytics can reference it:

  • WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce - ExpressWebSphere Commerce ProfessionalWC_eardir/xml/config/bi/biConfig.xml
  • WCDE_installdir/workspace/WC/xml/config/bi/biConfig.xml
In the sample, update the identified elements or attributes with your site-specific information.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

1  <ssoKey></ssoKey>
    <biprovider name="coremetrics">
        <![CDATA[<script type="text/JavaScript">
2      storeId="10101" 
3      biprovider="coremetrics" 
4      enabled="true" 
5      marketingCenterEnabled="true"
      segmentExportMode="append" >
6     <clientid>69999999</clientid>
7      <marketingCenterUrl>https://mc.coremetrics.com/mcwebapp/welcome.do</marketingCenterUrl>
      <output section="header">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="//libs.coremetrics.com/eluminate.js"></script> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
        // send data to production system
        // send data to test system
1 ssoKey
The secret key for single sign-on. This secret key is used to create a token for single sign-on authentication. You must provide your secret key to your IBM Marketing Center Support representative so that the same key is configured in the IBM Marketing Center system. The integration between IBM Marketing Center and Management Center share single sign-on configuration as the integration between IBM Digital Analytics and Management Center. If you configured single sign-on with IBM Digital Analytics, you can reuse this key. For more information about configuring single sign-on with IBM Marketing Center, see Enabling single sign-on between Management Center and IBM Marketing Center.
2 storeId
The store ID for the WebSphere Commerce store that is associated with the specified client ID. The integration is enabled for this store.
3 biprovider
The name of the analytics provider that is being used, for example if your provider is IBM Digital Analytics, the value must be set to "coremetrics". For your IBM Marketing Center integration, set the value to be "coremetrics", since this integration is built on the integration between IBM Digital Analytics and WebSphere Commerce.
4 enabled
The enablement flag for integrating WebSphere Commerce with IBM Digital Analytics. The integration with IBM Marketing Center is built upon the integration with IBM Digital Analytics, however you do not need to enable the IBM Digital Analytics integration to integrate with IBM Marketing Center.
5 marketingCenterEnabled
The enablement flag for integrating Management Center with IBM Marketing Center. This flag must be set to true for the integration to be enabled.
6 clientid
The client ID for accessing IBM Marketing Center. This ID is the same ID for accessing IBM Digital Analytics.
7 marketingCenterUrl
This element is optional. You can include this element in your biConfig.xml file to override the default URL to IBM Marketing Center. By default, when you enable integration with IBM Marketing Center, the integration launches IBM Marketing Center with the following URL:
If you want Management Center to launch a different URL, you can include a URL within the <marketingCenterUrl></marketingCenterUrl> element to override the default URL.

This biConfig.xml also contains more settings for the integrations with IBM Digital Analytics. For more information, see Sample biConfig.xml file for IBM Digital Analytics: Feature Pack 3 and later implementations