Modifying the ejbLoad and ejbStore methods

When an entity bean is created, Rational Application Developer automatically generates a rudimentary ejbLoad method and a rudimentary ejbStore method, which you can customize in the course of your development. At this time, you will ensure that these methods implement the default behavior defined in the abstract class, which your entity bean extends.

Before you begin

You have modified the entity context fields and methods of the bean.


  1. In the J2EE Hierarchy view, double-click the YourNewBeanBean class to open it and view its source code.
  2. Locate the definition of the ejbLoad method.
  3. Add the following line at the beginning of the method body:
  4. Locate the definition of the ejbStore method.
  5. Add the following line at the end of the method body:
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Proceed to adding new finders.