Deprecated feature

Product Advisor search-space synchronization

Product Advisor search spaces are created by extracting information from the WebSphere Commerce catalog and representing that information in a form suitable for searching. The search spaces and the catalog become unsynchronized when the catalog is updated. To avoid delay in synchronizing the search spaces with the catalog, you can enable the Product Advisor search-space synchronization feature of the massload utility.

If Product Advisor search-space synchronization is enabled, the massload utility will schedule appropriate search-space commands by adding the command information to the scheduler job table SCHCONFIG and scheduler job-instance table SCHSTATUS as indicated in the following table.

If Product Advisor search-space synchronization is enabled, the massload utility will schedule appropriate search-space commands by adding the command information to the scheduler job table SCHCONFIG and scheduler job-instance table SCHSTATUS as indicated in the following table.

Table Mode Search-Space command Condition
CATENTRY Update UpdateSearchSpaces Update publish flag
Delete RemoveProductFromAllSearchSpaces Delete product
CATENTDESC Add UpdateSearchSpaces Add description/language
Update UpdateSearchSpaces Update publish flag
Update description data
Delete UpdateSearchSpaces Remove description/language
LISTPRICE Add UpdateSearchSpaces Add list price
Update UpdateSearchSpaces Update list price
Delete UpdateSearchSpaces Delete list price
ATTRVALUE Add UpdateSearchSpaces Add user-defined value
Update UpdateSearchSpaces Update user-defined value
Delete UpdateSearchSpaces Delete user-defined value
CATENTATTR Add UpdateSearchSpaces Add attribute
Update UpdateSearchSpaces Update attribute
Delete UpdateSearchSpaces Delete attribute
CATGPENREL Add AddProductsToSearchSpace Add product to category
Delete RemoveProductsFromSearchSpace Remove product from category