Feature Pack 7 or later

Kit details page - RWD (Commerce Composer)

In the responsive kit details page, customers can view complete and detailed information about a kit. The default layout for the page displays the kit name, image, price, short description, long description, descriptive attributes, and more. For each component, the layout displays the name, image, price (for reference only), and short description. Customers can check inventory availability for the kit and add the kit to their cart or current order.

This page is managed in the Commerce Composer tool.

Screen captures

The following screen captures show how the responsive kit details page adapts to desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Note: To reduce scrolling, the following screen captures are cropped. To see full-sized screen captures, see the link after the mobile screen capture.

Desktop screen capture

Desktop screen capture

Tablet screen capture

Tablet screen capture

Mobile screen capture

Mobile screen capture

Full size screen captures

Layout, template, and page information

In the Aurora starter store, the kit pages use the default layout for their page type. The default layout contains Commerce Composer widgets, but Management Center users cannot open the default layout in the Commerce Composer tool to change the widgets in the layout. Default layouts are managed by IT developers. However, several of the widgets in the default layout contain e-Marketing Spots that Management Center users can manage in the Marketing tool. If the default layout is not appropriate, in the Commerce Composer tool, Management Center users can create a layout and assign it to the applicable kit pages.
Note: In the Aurora sample catalog data for a consumer direct store, a layout named KitPageLayout is assigned to the Tableware category. This layout uses the same wireframe and widgets as the default layout for bundle pages. To view this layout in store preview and in the Commerce Composer tool, open the kit named In True Spirits (HTA029_2932).


The following wireframe represents the responsive Catalog entry page layout that is used for the default layout for kit pages:

Wireframe for the kit details page default layout

Widget information

The following Commerce Composer widgets are included in the default layout for the responsive kit details page:

Widget information
Slot Widget Name Widget Type E-Marketing Spot or Content Name
1 BreadcrumbTrailWidget Breadcrumb Trail widget (not applicable)
2 HeaderLeftBannerContentWidget E-Marketing Spot widget (Common) HeaderLeftAdvertisement
3 HeaderRightBannerContentWidget E-Marketing Spot widget (Common) HeaderRightAdvertisement
4 FullImageWidget Full Image widget (not applicable)
5 NamePartNumberAndPriceWidget Name, Part Number, and Price widget (not applicable)
5 DiscountsWidget Discounts widget (not applicable)
5 Short Description Widget Short Description widget (not applicable)
6 InventoryAvailabilityWidget Inventory Availability widget (not applicable)
6 ShopperActionsWidget Shopper Actions widget (not applicable)
6 FacebookLikeWidget Facebook Like widget (not applicable)
7 ComponentsWidget Components widget (not applicable)
8 MerchandisingAssociationsWidget Merchandising Associations widget (not applicable)
Note: Widget is empty in the Aurora starter store.
Title 9 Tab1TextWidget Text Editor widget (not applicable)
Tab 9 LongDescriptionWidget Long Description widget (not applicable)
Tab 9 DescriptiveAttributesWidget Descriptive Attributes widget (not applicable)
Note: Widget is empty in the Aurora starter store.
Tab 9 AssociatedAssetsWidget Associated Assets widget (not applicable)
Note: Widget is empty in the Aurora starter store.
Title 10 Tab2TextWidget Text Editor widget (not applicable)
Tab 10 CatalogEntryRecommendationWidget E-Marketing Spot widget (page-specific) [page_name]ProductRight_CatEntries

JSP files

The PackageDisplay.jsp file defines the entire page.

The Commerce Composer widgets that are included in this layout are defined by the following top-level JSP files:

  • BreadrcrumbTrail.jsp file
  • EMarketingSpot.jsp
  • FullImage.jsp file
  • NamePartNumberAndPrice.jsp file
  • Discounts.jsp file
  • ShortDescription.jsp file
  • InventoryAvailability.jsp file
  • ShopperActions.jsp file
  • FacebookLike.jsp file
  • Components.jsp file
  • MerchandisingAssociations.jsp file
  • ContentRecommendation.jsp file (defines the Text Editor widget)
  • LongDescription.jsp file
  • DescriptiveAttributes.jsp file
  • AssociatedAssets.jsp file