Introduced in Feature Pack 3

Customizing the data extraction utility to extract custom catalog entry data

The data extraction utility for IBM Product Recommendations, formerly known as Coremetrics Intelligent Offer extracts a default set of catalog entry data for the EPCMF file. If you customize the CatalogEntry noun, you can customize the data extraction utility to extract the custom data that you define in the noun. You can extract the custom data into one or more of the 15 customer-defined "Static Attribute" columns of the EPCMF file.

Here is an example:

You customize the CatalogEntry noun to support the following custom warranty data for catalog entries:
  • The warranty term, for example, 30 days.
  • The warranty type, for example, limited or comprehensive.

Now you want to include this warranty data in the EPCMF file for your catalog entries so that the data is available to IBM Product Recommendations. You must customize the data extraction utility to output an EPCMF file that contains the two more columns of data that is shown in the following example. The column that is labeled 1 contains warranty term data and the column that is labeled 2 contains warranty type data:

Customized EPCMF file with warranty data

Before you begin

You must customize the CatalogEntry noun to contain your custom data.