Configure inbound connections

When an inbound connection is defined in the gateway configuration file, it can listen by default for incoming connections from any IPv4 address and would be configured as follows





Previously to create an inbound connection for IPv6, the connection was bound to the IPv6 ANY address, which is 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 or in compressed notation: :.

prefix.ConnectionType = Inbound


prefix.BindTo= \::

Note: As the colon can be used as a separator in properties files, it must be escaped with a backslash character to indicate that it is part of the value and not the separator.

To configure an inbound connection for incoming connections from IPv6 addresses, you can use Inbound6 or InboundTunnel6 instead.

prefix.ConnectionType = Inbound6

prefix.PortToListen = 8881

prefix2.ConnectionType = InboundTunnel6

prefix2.PortToListen = 8882

Note: For the gateway to listen for both IPv4 and IPv6 incoming connections, you must define an inbound and an inbound6 connection type entry in the gateway configuration file.