Logging gateway activity

When the gateway support is installed, a log file is created in the following directories:
Windows® systems
Documents and Settings\All Users\ Application Data\IBM\Tivoli\Remote Control\Gateway

\ProgramData\IBM\Tivoli\Remote Control\Gateway.

Linux® systems

The name of the log file is TRCGATEWAY-hostname-suffix.log. hostname denotes the computer name or host name of the system where the gateway is installed. suffix is determined by the LogRotation and LogRollover settings.

For example, TRCGATEWAY-mygateway-1-THU-18H.log

To configure logging complete the following steps:

  1. Configure the following properties within the trc_gateway.properties file.
    Set the required logging level.

    The log level determines the types of entries and how much information is added to the log file. Default value is 2.


    Controls the period after which an older log file is overwritten. Log rotation can be disabled. Default value is Weekly.


    Controls the period after which a new log file is started. This period must be shorter than the LogRotation period, therefore not all combinations are valid. LogRollover cannot be disabled. Default value is Daily.

  2. Save the file.

For more information about the properties, see Properties for configuring logging activity